echo off echo raw data price.csv, results in E:\mindprod\include and E:\mindprod\products*.html rem untouch pad files so we have accurate last change dates on them. untouch -q E:\mindprod\pad e: cd \com\mindprod\prices if %@FILEAGE[E:\com\mindprod\prices\prices.exe] GT %@FILEAGE[E:\com\mindprod\prices\prices.jar] goto useexe echo [][][] Using prices.jar [][][] java -ea -jar E:\com\mindprod\prices\prices.jar goto done :useexe prices.exe :done Rem prices will regenerate pad3.list and pad4.list Propagate them cd E:\mindprod\pad\ copy /B pad3.list + pad4.list allpads.txt copy /B pad3.list E:\com\mindprod\submitter copy /B pad4.list E:\com\mindprod\submitter rem all pieces needed are now in E:\mindprod\includes rem they include: rem productsindex.html rem products1index.html rem products2index.html rem products3index.html rem products4index.html rem products1details.html rem products2details.html rem products3details.html rem products4details.html rem xxxx.html where xxxx is the name of the app. rem they will be included with macros in products.html products1.html product2.html products3.html and products4.html rem expand macros inside the includes, and insert generated includes in actual files in rem E:\mindprod\products*.html and in the application manual files. E: CD \mindprod one products.html products*.html applet\*.html webstart\*.html e: cd \com\mindprod\prices rem -30-