@echo off rem Grab.btm rem This script was generated by com.mindprod.zzz.MkAuxFiles. D o N o t E d i t . rem Get Java source from IntelliJ and build it. For Roedy's use only. E:\ cd E:\com\mindprod\echoserver untouch -q . cd E:\intellij\mp\j8\src\com\mindprod\echoserver untouch -q . rem no /U=update /UF=relaxed update /E=no error /S=subdirs /T=just totals rem copy jovo, not image and sound filescopy /Q /UF /S *.java E:\com\mindprod\echoserver cd E:\com\mindprod\echoserver untouch -q . for %i in ( *.java ) if not exist E:\intellij\mp\j8\src\com\mindprod\echoserver\%i echo %i in project but not Intellij ant postzip %1 rem -30-