@echo off @echo °±² descother.btm: add TCC descriptions to all coal non-project files ²±° rem encoded in IBM850 rem This script was generated by com.mindprod.zzz.MkDesc. D o N o t E d i t . if exist "E:\mindprod\image\icon16\coal.png" describe "E:\mindprod\image\icon16\coal.png" /D"16x16 icon for the Coal project" if exist "E:\mindprod\image\icon32\coal.png" describe "E:\mindprod\image\icon32\coal.png" /D"32x32 icon for the Coal project" if exist "E:\mindprod\image\icon32\coal.gif" describe "E:\mindprod\image\icon32\coal.gif" /D"32x32 gif icon for the Coal project" if exist "E:\mindprod\image\icon48\coal.icon48.png" describe "E:\mindprod\image\icon48\coal.icon48.png" /D"roughly 48x48 icon for the Coal project" if exist "E:\mindprod\image\icon64\coal.png" describe "E:\mindprod\image\icon64\coal.png" /D"roughly 64x64 icon for the Coal project" if exist "E:\mindprod\image\icon64\coal.gif" describe "E:\mindprod\image\icon64\coal.gif" /D"64x64 gif icon for the Coal project" if exist "E:\mindprod\image\icon128\coal.png" describe "E:\mindprod\image\icon128\coal.png" /D"roughly 128x128 icon for the Coal project" if exist "E:\mindprod\image\screenshot\coal.png" describe "E:\mindprod\image\screenshot\coal.png" /D"screenshot for the Coal project" if exist "E:\mindprod\image\splash\coal.gif" describe "E:\mindprod\image\splash\coal.gif" /D"splash for the Coal project" if exist "E:\mindprod\applet\coalicon32.gif" describe "E:\mindprod\applet\coalicon32.gif" /D"coal 32x32 icon gif" if exist "E:\mindprod\applet\coalicon64.gif" describe "E:\mindprod\applet\coalicon64.gif" /D"coal 64x64 icon gif" if exist "E:\mindprod\applet\coalsplash.gif" describe "E:\mindprod\applet\coalsplash.gif" /D"coal splash gif" if exist "E:\mindprod\applet\coal.jnlp" describe "E:\mindprod\applet\coal.jnlp" /D"coal jnlp Java Web Start launch" if exist "E:\mindprod\precis\coal.txt" describe "E:\mindprod\precis\coal.txt" /D"precis of the Coal project: Calculates how long America's coal will last given various rates of growth in use." if exist "E:\mindprod\pad\coal.xml" describe "E:\mindprod\pad\coal.xml" /D"ASP PAD desc of the Coal project: Calculates how long America's coal will last given various rates of growth in use." if exist "E:\mindprod\zips\coal10.zip" describe "E:\mindprod\zips\coal10.zip" /D"Coal 1.0 distribute zip archive: Calculates how long America's coal will last given various rates of growth in use." echo done rem -30-