.svn Subversion control accumulate Accumulate totals in buckets affirm Subliminal affirmations align align text in columns amazon macros to books and goods at Amazon.com americantax calculate American sales tax amper Correct & to & in html base64 base64 armouring batik delete junk files bio biorhythms blout remove excess blank lines bloutintellij.bat Remove excess blank links fro Intellij bootsave save/restore disk boot sector borders demonstrate use of Java Borders boyer fast String search brokenlinks Detect broken HTML links build.xml rebuild all projects bulk Bulk emailer canadiantax Calculate Canadian sales tax cmossave save/restore CMOS colorsaver cache Color objects commandline expand command line to a list of files to process common11 common classes for JDK 1.1+ common13 common classes for JDK 1.3+ common15 common classes for JDK 1.5+ compactor squeeze out unnecessary space from HTML comparatorcutter generate Sort Comparator/Comparable classes comparators set of canned Comparators confirm command line ask user for confirmation to continue converter Teach how to interconvert the basic 16 Java types counts fix hit counts on mindprod.com website creditcard Verify and classify credit card numbers csv read/write CSV formatted files currcon Show prices in various international currencies currconaux aux for CurrCon dedup remove duplicate lines in a file desall.bat find files that don't have descriptions yet descall.bat rebuild manifest.txt files all dirs DESCRIPT.ION 4NT file descriptions eachdir.btm do something to each dir echoserver Simple server that just echos messages sent to it. Teaching tool. encodingrecogniser Helps you figure out what encoding was used to create a file. encodings lists encoding supported on your machine entities convert Unicode to Unicode entities and back esper Esperanto translator example sample teaching code extract Exact desired lines from text files. ff mockup of a fast file find fileio Teach how to do Java file i/o filetimes Access Windows file times, last access, creation, modified. filetransfer copy files and streams. Download. filter Set of called FileFilters. findimports Scans source code for import statements. fixlinks obsolete fontsaver Caches fonts fontshower Displays fonts available to Swing fontshowerawt Displays fonts available to AWT fourtidy tidies 4NT/Take Command file descriptors getscreenshots.bat ran all progs to can get fresh screenshots go fast index to mindprod.com glossaries heapsort heapsort hits tracks daily hits on mindprod.com website. holidays calculates when holidays occur honk makes sounds htmlmacros boilerplate generation of HTML http simulate a browser programmatically hunkio fast I/O a file at a time. inauguration countdown to next inauguration ini tidy ini files insult insult generator internationaliser manages multi-language translations inwords displays numbers in words, in many languages isbn book number verification jarcheck verifies jar consistency jarlook displays what in is a jar jarlooks.bat rebuild all jarlooks jcolourchooser lets user select background and foreground colours jdisplay displays colourised listings jdisplayaux aui to JDisplay jdisplayorphans aux to JDisplay jprep aux to JDisplay jtokens aux to JDisplay keyplayer teaches how keystroke events work ledatastream little endian version of DataInputStream and DataOutputStream linkedlist linked List lookall.bat rebuild manifest.txt files all dirs manifest.txt List of files with descriptions what they are for. masker Masks email addresses from spam harvesters mimecheck ensures servers sending correct MIME types mouse where is the mouse? networkcam displays remote Webcam streams. officialencoding converts unofficial encoding names to official ones. palette generates colour tables password generates random passwords pcclock aux to SetClock pentium Access Pentium CPU special features phone generate phone list of computer vendors pluck replaced by extract pointsize Teaches how big pixels are. poster Inserts a daily poster on the mindprod.com website prices tracks apps and prices of CMP products. primes generates prime numbers proofreader generates an experimental proofreader font. pws Living Love Pathways Amanuensis qf generates indexes for HTMLMacro glossaries quicksort QuickSort quoter Many transforms on text useful to programmers radixsort RadixSort. Works in linear time. recipe obsolete reflow Reflows text into fixed length lines. reorg utilities to reorganise HTML tables repair various utilities to repair and tidy HTML and Java source. replicator Distributes a mindprod.com website local mirror. replicatorcommon aux for Replicator replicatorsender aux for Replicator replicatoruse aux for Replicator restore restore old DOS floppy backups rgrow grow a file rightsize ensure jpg, png and gif images are with in acceptable size bounds. screws teach use of drawing on an AWT Canvas seesort sorts see also items at bottom of website pages. setclock Sets system clock from web-based atomic clock. shellsort ShellSort showcert Display a certificate sitemap Generate an inventory of what is on a website for the Google spider. smooth Smooth image scrolling sorted Operations on sorted ArrayLists. sound generate sound mathematically. spinner enhanced JSpinners splice Create files out of parts of others splitter Split a large file into pieces stats Graph weight and website hits stomp Generate ANT scripts used to compile all CMP code submitter Submit PADs to multiple sites. sunsort How to use Sun's sort tabin convert spaces to tabs tabout convert tabs to spaces tabstospaces convert tabs to spaces transporter encrypt data for sending over the Internet tz List supported Timezones unicode Display Unicode glyphs untouch revert unchanged file back to previous timestamp. untouch.digest tracks file dates venery singular and plurals for animals vercheck checks if there are new versions available for various apps volser access the windows volume serial number. wassup Displays the System properties wavelength Displays a colour or spectrum given the wavelength/frequency welcome welcomes newcomers to a newsgroups xref obsolete yyyymmdd for scripts to insert current date