The transporter acts like an electronic secure courier to deliver your data and documents in encrypted form safe from prying eyes or those who would tamper with them. It Encrypts, digitally signs and armours to send sensitive information over the Internet without SSL. Typically you would embed it in your own Internet applications. Applications include sending credit card information collected by Applets to Servlets without a secure SSL connection, sending credit card information via email, sending secret messages and electronic voting. The Transporter is a not normally used as a stand alone application. You incorporate the Transporter classes in your own Java programs. The main limitation is that it is not suitable for large files or streams. The heavy duty RSA encryption it uses too slow for sending large files. On a 1.6 GHz machine, with 1024-bit keys, it can: encrypt 200,000 bytes per second decrypt 500 bytes per second sign 5000 bytes per second verify 200,000 bytes per second If you use 4096-bit encryption these slow down to: encrypt 50,000 bytes per second decrypt 50 bytes per second sign 50 bytes per second verify 50,000 bytes per second These classes are very simple. They let you encrypt sensitive information to send over the Internet or Email, without requiring secure SSL support. You can encrypt and decrypt without JCE support. They use 256 to 4096 bit strong encryption, devised in Canada, so it is not subject to America export restrictions. They let you digitally sign information so that receiver knows for certain who could possibly have sent it, and that no one tampered with the information. They armour information making it possible to send binary information from Applets to servers via the CGI Servlet HTTP POST interface, over email, raw sockets or even diskette or CD. The programs are simple enough that you can personally verify they programs do exactly what they claim to without any Trojan spy code. To generate keys: specify a name for the key pair and keysize 256..4096 The bigger the keysize, the more secure, but the slower the encryption/decryption. java com.mindprod.transporter.MakeKeys yourname 1024 To test encryption and see examples of use see: java com.mindprod.transporter.Transporter A simple send/receive using armouring and compression looks like this: import com.mindprod.transporter.Wrap; import com.mindprod.transporter.Unwrap; ... Anything originalMessage = new Anything( a, b, c ); Wrap w = new Wrap(); // you can send any Serializable object, including Strings and raw byte arrays. String transport = w.wrap( originalMessage ); // transport String is sent to another machine... and then Unwrap u = new Unwrap(); Anything reconstitutedMessage = (Anything)u.unwrap( transport ); Only the sender should have access to senderprivatekey.ser. Only the receiver should have access to receiverprivatekey.ser. There is no need to keep the public keys secret from anyone. Ideally sender and receiver should generate their own key pairs using MakeKey and send the corresponding non-secret public key to the other. To encrypt, you need the receiver's public key. To decrypt, you need the receiver's private key. To sign, you need the sender's private key. To verify a digital signature, you need the sender's public key. senderprivatekey.ser and senderpublickey.ser must be used as a pair. receiverprivatekey.ser and receiverpublickey.ser must also be used as a pair. You may change the receiver pair without changing the sender pair or vice versa. Make backups of all keys. If you lose them there is no way at all to read encrypted information. If you had three computers exchanging information, each acting as both sender and receiver, you would need 6 keys altogether, a public and private key for each participant to allow all possible combinations of encryption and signing. You don't need a separate pair for each participant for sending and receiving. You generate the public and private key at the same time as a matched pair. In practice you could get away with fewer keys, by reusing keys, or not bothering with ones you don't need. For example, one common situation would be to have the same receiver public key in every Applet sending credit card information to a Servlet that has a receiver private key -- only two keys altogether. Design Philosophy A major concern for anyone using any form of encryption is trusting the author not to hide any trap doors in the code to snoop. He also has to trust government and military experts not to withhold some secret technique to crack a proffered encryption algorithm or information about their advanced hardware abilities to crack codes (e.g. some sort of quantum cracking). The problem is modern cryptography is highly complex. What I have done is pare the encryption logic down to the bone so that it would be simple enough for the average Java programmer to understand line by line, and ensure himself the program does exactly what it claims to. I used the mathematically Spartan RSA algorithm. This means the program is missing features like hybrid symmetric key, AES and chaining that would have increased its speed and resistance to cracking. I have also posted the source for anyone to examine. There are thus more eyes looking for anything improper, possibly accidental. To verify my code, you would also want to verify Java's secret key generator. If in any way it were not secure, the whole encryption scheme would be a house of cards. If you are a diplomat and need 100% uncrackabilty, you should probably not be using commercial software. Your people should write your own one-time-pad software. The Soviets used a one-time paper one time pad system successfully for years. see The Downside of Any Encryption Using any sort of encryption flags to the attention of snoopers that you are trying to hide something. They can then bring in their experts and computers to crack the code. There is a whole field called steganography about how to hide information in images, e.g. porn, which gets lost in the torrents of images flying over the net. Even the tiniest error in the program or use of it greatly simplifies their task. The security of Windows is so weak, it is trivial for criminal or government agencies to install a keystroke logger than looks at everything you type before you encrypt it. Today, with massive wiretapping by the government, your only hope is messages that have perfectly innocuous meaning that don't trip any filters. Distributing Keys A private key should never leave the machine it was generated on, except for backup. You can distribute public keys without worry about others snooping. It does not matter if they snoop. These are PUBLIC keys, after all. You can distribute them via ordinary email either as simple attachments, or wrapped and embedded in the message. You could also post them on a website. The transporter requires only Java 1.2 for Wrap and Encrypt. It depends only on the BigInteger class, not the JCE (Java Cryptography Extensions). Sign uses the MessageDigest.getInstance( "MD5" ) method of the JCE which was not bundled officially with Java until 1.4, though was available separately earlier. Why the suitcase icon? It symbolises a secure courier who transports diplomatic papers in a briefcase chained to his wrist. Thomas Pornin wrote this criticism: "You appear to encrypt messages by blocks with RSA, with ECB chaining, aka "no chaining at all". This combines the weaknesses of ill-used symmetric ciphers with the slowness and waste of space of RSA. If you used a symmetric encryption with RC4, with a random secret key which is then ecrypted with RSA, then you would have something much stronger, faster, with more compact messages, and it would not use more code." I wrote the Transporter a long time ago to get an understanding of how public/private key encryption worked probably before JCE came out or at least before it was bundled. I intended it for short messages, such as a credit card number so I was not too worried about speed or fluffiness. That is why I did not use a more complex hybrid of RSA and symmetric ciphers. Key generation is very slow. For short messages, my scheme is thus faster since it does not need to generate a session key. Someone might use the Transporter today because they can control all the code. JCE is a large, complex black box you are just supposed to trust. How do you know JCE does not contain deliberate trap doors put there at the insistence of the Homeland security people? Caveats Even with the Transporter, those snooping know whom you are sending to, and can trace the message to where they are. They know when you send messages and how long those message are. If they can corrupt your machine, they can log all your keystrokes. Then anything the Transporter does is useless. You can embed messages is web pages. Then everyone who reads the page gets it, but only the one with the private key can read it. Then is it not clear to snoops who was the actual target of the message (though they know it was one of the visitors).