@echo off rem extractelectronicsummary.btm sort extracted Electronic macros, sort and format as HTML rem invoked by extractsummaries, which in turn in invoked by dailycleanup @echo ExtractElectronicSummary: tidy and extract electronics pushd E: cd E:\mindprod\electronic rem put price & title in head, reorder fields, non-expanded e:\com\mindprod\stores\tidyelectronicmacros.exe %configuration attrib +h electronics.html e:\com\mindprod\stores\extractelectronicmacros.exe %configuration -dry . rem asin, title attrib -h electronics.html C: cd \temp csvreshape.exe electronicmacros.csv 0 1 1 csvdeentify.exe electronicmacros.csv 2 csvstriptags.exe electronicmacros.csv 2 rem s=case-sensitive string i=case-insensitive string, d=(double,float) $=dollar n=number(int,long) rem x=hex (\u 0x ff) l=length of field f=family name csvsort.exe electronicmacros.csv 2i+ 0i+ csvreshape.exe electronicmacros.csv 0 1 rem build one col from data in 2 csvtemplate.exe electronicmacros.csv E:\com\mindprod\stores\templatea.txt copy /B E:\com\mindprod\stores\donotedit.htmlfrag + electronicmacros.txt E:\mindprod\include\electronics.htmlfrag E: cd \mindprod\electronic call E:\com\mindprod\htmlmacros\one.btm . rem so html validator will not think they have changed untouch -q . popd rem -30-