@echo off @echo °±² desc.btm: add TCC descriptions to all sortaliases files ²±° rem encoded in IBM850 rem Update the TCC file descriptions in DESCRIPT.ION and _O_V_E_R_V_I_E_W.txt rem This script was generated by com.mindprod.zzz.MkDesc. D o N o t E d i t . Rem adjust drive letter before use: E: cd E:\com\mindprod\sortaliases attrib -h DESCRIPT.ION > nul: rem Provide generic descriptions for *.class files still without specific descriptions. for %i in (*.class ) do describe %i /D"compiled Java byte code" rem Merge generated descript0.ion and descript2.ion to fill in missing descriptions. rem descript0.ion takes precedence over DESCRIPT.ION which takes precedence over descript2.ion. if exist DESCRIPT.ION goto patch copy /Q /B descript0.ion + descript2.ion DESCRIPT.ION goto patched :patch copy /Q /B descript0.ion + DESCRIPT.ION + descript2.ion temp.ion del /Q DESCRIPT.ION rename /Q temp.ion DESCRIPT.ION :patched rem Build _O_V_E_R_V_I_E_W.txt from TakeCommand/TCC DESCRIPT.ION file descriptions. rem Tidy, sort and dedup descriptions keeping most detailed description. fourtidy.exe -f echo done rem -30-