---- Version History: 7.3 2005-05-09 7.4 2005-07-31 ANT scripts, Javadoc, release source, change message to make button say "done" when complete, add an about button. 7.5 2005-07-31 new icon, bigger type. 7.6 2006-02-05 new icon, bigger type. 7.7 2006-03-05 reformat with IntelliJ and add Javadoc 7.8 2007-05-24 IntelliJ inspector lint. 7.9 2007-06-14 catch error if set time fails. 8.0 2008-04-06 add build to title, tidy code, correct spelling errors. 8.1 2008-08-18 use xx.pool.ntp.org to find a nearby time server. 8.2 2008-09-08 use 3 different pool servers and two probes on each to get a better average. 8.3 2008-09-23 fix problem with Microsoft C++ runtime library. 8.4 2010-03-24 allow user to select look and feel. 8.5 2011-12-22 update JNLP. 8.6 2012-12-11 add 64-bit DLL for JNI -30-