@echo off @echo SeeSorting the links rem SeeSort : turn all Mindprod words to links and sort links in the see section of each glossary page. rem only works for indexed pages. E: cd E:\com\mindprod\seesort rem Jet broken with seesort, uses jar set runwith=jar echo running SeeSort with %runwith if "%runwith" == "" set runwith=jet if "%runwith" == "class" set runwith=jar if "%runwith" == "jar" goto usejar if "%runwith" == "jet" goto usejet pause invalid runwith :usejar rem use jar version of program rem at this point QF has produced the ser file indexes that we can use to patch incomplete links. java.exe %JAVA_OPTIONS -ea -jar E:\com\mindprod\seesort\seesort.jar %configuration goto done :usejet if ( not exist seesort.exe .OR. %@FILEAGE[seesort.exe] LT %@FILEAGE[seesort.jar]) goto bypass rem at this point QF has produced the ser file indexes. We patch incomplete links in the SEE section here. if not index just sort and remove dups. seesort.exe %configuration :done :bypass rem -30-