RESTORE 6.3 is freware replacement for the official DOS Restore. It restore old MSDOS or PCDOS floppy backups. What's wrong with the official DOS Restore versions 2.0 to 7.0. 1. You may no longer have the PC DOS or MS DOS softaware or know how to install it. 2. The DOS 3.2 version according to a Microsoft technician has 22 reported bugs. It is "the lemon of MS DOS" to use his phrase. 3. Under DOS 3.2, MS DOS and PC DOS use incompatible formats for Restore diskettes. You cannot restore files backed up on IBM PC DOS to an MS DOS system and vice versa. 4. DOS 3.2 and 3.3 disk formats are incompatible. You cannot restore files backed up on DOS 3.3 to a machine running DOS 3.2. Version 3.2 Restore will not run under DOS 3.3, etc. 5. DOS 5.0 restore can now read DOS 3.2 backups, but not vice versa. 6. DOS 6.0 backup is completely incompatible with earlier versions. Canadian Mind Products Restore works under all versions of PC and MS DOS from 2.0 to 7.0 and will restore diskettes created by DOS BACKUP 2.0 through 5.0. It runs fine under Windows or OS/2 in the DOS emulation box. This allows you to restore your backups even if you have changed operating systems. It also allows you to distribute large files or programs on floppy to people running an unknown variety of operating systems. This is how the Federal Aviation Administration distributed code to all the airports. WARNING! RESTORE only works with 8.3 filenames. Copyright: (c) 1986-2017 Canadian Mind Products freeware May be freely distributed and used for any purpose but military. For more details on the restriction, see The only restriction is that this is for non-military use only. The command line options are compatible with PC and MS Dos restore. Syntax ====== RESTORE.COM A: [C:][path\][filespec] [/S] [/P] [/Q] Where: A: = source floppy drive, i.e. A:, B:, etc. C: = target hard drive, i.e. C:, D:, etc. path = the directory where the files will be placed. filespec = the specification of files to be restored. May include wildcard chars. * and ?. /S = restore subdirectories also. /P = prompt before restoring each file. /Q = quiet, suppress advertising banner. Samples of Use ============== RESTORE.COM A: C:\*.* /S /P -- restores all files, letting you decide which ones to restore individually. RESTORE A: C:\*.BAT/S -- restores all BAT files in all subdirectories. RESTORE A: C:\MySub\MyFile.Ext RESTORE A: C:\MySub\*.*/P/S/Q RESTORE A: C:\MySub/P RESTORE A: C:\MySub RESTORE A: \MySub -- presumes default drive RESTORE A: C:*.* -- presumes default directory RESTORE A: C:\*.BAT/S -- restores all BAT files in all subdirectories. It is not as elaborate as the commercial versions, only the /S and /P switches are supported. Version 6.2 displays the new address and phone number. Also documentation and program listings clarify the use of Restore under DOS 5.0 and 7.0. Clarification on site licenses and bundling restore to install your software. ASSEMBLING You can use the ANT scripts, or assemble and link manually. REBUILD.XML is a simple restore build that presumes all files are already in the project directory. Build with ant -f rebuild.xml zip Assemble restore using ANT Invoke with [ant clean] to erase class files and start over. Invoke with [ant assemble] to just assemble and link. Invoke with [ant zip] to create zip files containing source and executables. You must have ml.exe, ml.err (the assembler) and link.exe on the path. You can get ml.exe 6.15 from extract with WinZip. You can get link.exe 5.6 from and extract with WinZip. ml.exe/link.exe 9.0, bundled with Visual C++ Express available from, will NOT work unless you modify the ANT script and modify the source code drastically. You could assemble manually with: ml.exe /AT/c /Fl /Zf restore.asm and link with: link.exe /MAP /TINY restore.obj,,; For details of ANT use, see