To make a cd, just run replicatorsender as usual to upload the zips to a website. Then burn a cd of everything in the SENDER_ZIP_STAGING_DIR, e.g. E:\mindprod\replicator, including autorun.inf freshness.ser manifest.ser mindprodcert2007dsa.cer replicator.gif replicator.ico replicatorreceiver.jar replicatorreceivercd?.jnlp replicatorreceiverlan.jnlp replicatorreceiverrelay.jnlp replicatorreceivertest.jnlp replicatorreceiverwebsite.jnlp replicatorsplash.gif setup.exe z*.zip Burn all into the root of the CD. You use the CD, just insert it and the autorun should take it from there. If it does not, run setup.