rem preparebirths : update birthdays page by scanning all quotation birthdate/deathdates on the website 2018-04-27 echo prepareBirths : scan quotes and books for list of birthdates... rem does not need to be run daily, only when new authors are introduced. rem run as part of dailycleanup.btm pushd E:\ cd E:\com\mindprod\repair rem need -c option to actually change the files. echo file must not be stripgenerated or else acronyms as authors will look empty. rem -c = actually correct files rem will find and update Born macros and Book macros rem scans *.html for find person, birth, death rem exports to E:\mindprod\jgloss\include\birthdates.htmlfrag set runwith=jar if "%runwith" == "jet" E:\sys\CollectAndRepairBorns.exe -c -q -s E:\mindprod if "%runwith" == "jar" java.exe %JAVA_OPTIONS -ea -jar CollectAndRepairBorns.jar -c -q -s E:\mindprod if "%runwith" == "class" java.exe %JAVA_OPTIONS -ea -c -q -s E:\mindprod call tidyauthors.btm cd E:\mindprod\jgloss call one birthday.html popd rem -30-