@echo on rem extract list of colours used from style sheets. rem DO ALL YOUR ASSIGNING OF NAMES TO COLOURS IN knowncolours.csv. rem Changes to comments in stylesheet will lost. rem run as extractcolours.btm not extractcolours rem or else you will get raw extractcolours.exe rem uses list of colours named in E:\com\mindprod\repair\knowncolours.csv, rem list may have names not currently used. rem results appear in knowncolours.csv, including new colours. rem Leaves three stylesheets E:\mindprod\mindprod.css, rem E:\mindprod\display.css and E:\mindprod\carol.css untouched. rem it will warn you of duplicates, close colours and colours unused in the style sheets. rem rem when E:\com\mindprod\repair\knowncolours.csv is ready the way you want, rem run AnnotateColours.btm rem rem This also generates mindprodcolours.csv the mindprod palette. rem Run E:\com\mindprod\palette\regenerate.btm. rem Results will show up E:/mindprod/jgloss/colourscheme.html. pause E: cd \com\mindprod\repair rem don't include home.css. Its colours change too often extractcolours.exe E:\mindprod\mindprod.css E:\mindprod\jdisplay.css E:\mindprod\carol.css E:\mindprod\handbook.css e:\mindprod\blurb.css rem sort by hex colour number csvsort.exe knowncolours.csv 0x+ rem -30-