@echo off echo.How to use the E:\com\mindprod\reorg reorg utilities, reorg HTML files. echo. echo. input E:\temp\in.html E:\temp\other.html (for join) echo. output E:\temp\out.html echo. Only primitive HTML, no modifiers on echo. May have an optional header something like this: echo. echo. and must end with a \n. echo. echo cascade.bat echo cascade, take output from last step as input to next. echo. echo enumerate.bat 0 echo put sequence number starting from 1. in a given column replacing what is there. echo. echo how.bat echo documenatation echo. echo join.bat echo join in.html and other.html side by side. echo You do not specify filenames on the command line. echo column sorts first by that column before the blind match. echo Does _not_ merge based on matching key. echo No number, just blind match. echo. echo proof.bat echo proofread in browser and editor. echo. echo quilt.bat 4 echo Always create quilt by columns. echo Cannot do double column like htmlmacros quilt. echo. echo reshape.bat 0 1 ... echo select list of 0-based cols wanted, leave rest behind. echo column -1 means insert an empty column at that point. echo. echo sort.bat 0 only 1 column allowed! echo without .bat may pick up another sort. echo 0-based col to sort, must have more than one row to do anything interesting echo To sort multi cols, do several passes, least significant first, echo sort, cascade, sort. automaticaly selects case insensitive or numeric sort. Does not do case sensive sorts. echo. echo tidy.bat echo tidies in.html to out.html echo. echo transpose.bat echo exchange rows and cols echo. echo unquilt.bat byrows echo reshape grid to single column. echo usually use default "bycolumns". echo often followed by SortTable echo then Quilt. echo. echo widen.bat echo make table twice as wide and half as tall by moving bottom of table to top right. echo. rem -30-