_O_V_E_R_V_I_E_W.txt Commented List of all files for Quoter, with one line descriptions. Align$1.class compiled Java byte code Align.class compiled Java byte code Align.java Align text in columns AlignBlankState.class compiled Java byte code AlignBlankState.java Enum for Align finite state analyser AlignCategory.class compiled Java byte code AlignCategory.java Enum for align finite state analyser AlignJava$1.class compiled Java byte code AlignJava.class compiled Java byte code AlignJava.java Align Java source code in columns AlignJavaCategory.class compiled Java byte code AlignJavaCategory.java Enum for Java Align finite state analyser AlignJavaCommentState.class compiled Java byte code AlignJavaCommentState.java Enum for Java Align finite state analyser AlignQuotedState.class compiled Java byte code AlignQuotedState.java Enum for Java align finite state analyser build.xml Complex ANT build script for Quoter build_quoter.bat Build JET executable with project descriptor CollapseBlankLines.class compiled Java byte code CollapseBlankLines.java Collapse blank lines to one. CollapseEmbeddedSpaces.class compiled Java byte code CollapseEmbeddedSpaces.java Collapses spaces to one. DecodeURL.class compiled Java byte code DecodeURL.java decodes a URL-encoded URL desc.btm creates TCC file descriptions for project files descother.btm creates TCC file descriptions for non-project files DESCRIPT.ION TCC file descriptions descript0.ion generated file of overriding descriptions to merge into DESCRIPT.ION descript2.ion generated file default descriptions to merge into DESCRIPT.ION EncodeURL.class compiled Java byte code EncodeURL.java encodes a URL with %s forzip.xml list of extra files for ANT include in quoter55.zip FromJavaStringLiteral.class compiled Java byte code FromJavaStringLiteral.java Convert Java String literal to String FunducRegexReplace.class compiled Java byte code FunducRegexReplace.java quote Funduc Regex replace FunducRegexSearch.class compiled Java byte code FunducRegexSearch.java quote Funduc Regex search grab.btm copy in Java source code from IntelliJ and build it. Roedy's use only. HTMLReservedChars.class compiled Java byte code HTMLReservedChars.java HTML -> entities HTMLTouchUp.class compiled Java byte code HTMLTouchUp.java HTML touchup j18.txt marker to indicate that Java compiler target version 1.8 needed. JavaAlignCategory.class compiled Java byte code JavaAlignCategory.java Enum for Java align finite state analyser JavaRegex.class compiled Java byte code JavaRegex.java Show quoting for Java regexes JavaRegexCSV.class compiled Java byte code JavaRegexCSV.java Show quoting for Java regexes is CSV JavaRegexString.class compiled Java byte code JavaRegexString.java Show quoting for Java regex String literal jdisplay.css cascading style sheet for displaying source code in HTML MasterDistribution.site URL to find the master copy of the Quoter project files mindprod.css cascading style sheet for general HTML mindprodcert2017rsa.cer Public key for Mindprod code-signing certificate. Cannot be used to sign jars. PlainReservedChars.class compiled Java byte code PlainReservedChars.java null transformation Quoter$1.class compiled Java byte code Quoter$TheListener.class compiled Java byte code Quoter.class Quoter main Java program compiled byte code quoter.exe JET executable Converts text with many possible cleanups, including preparation of HTML and Java, aligning in columns, character set conversion, case converting, removing excess white space, removing blank lines, preparing regex expressions etc. quoter.html html to launch the Quoter program quoter.ico Windows icon for the project, contains multiple image sizes quoter.icon128.png roughly 128x128 icon for the Quoter project quoter.icon16.png 16x16 icon for the Quoter project quoter.icon32.png 32x32 icon for the Quoter project quoter.icon48.png roughly 48x48 icon for the Quoter project quoter.icon64.png roughly 64x64 icon for the Quoter project quoter.jar jarred class files: Converts text with many possible cleanups, including preparation of HTML and Java, aligning in columns, character set conversion, case converting, removing excess white space, removing blank lines, preparing regex expressions etc. Quoter.java main Java program source quoter.jpn Manifest of what is included in the JET executable. quoter.look uncommented jar manifest quoter.prj JET project configuration, compiler options and notes on what needs to be included. quoter.screenshot.png screenshot for the Quoter project quoter.startup List of classes JET should preload for speed. quoter.use precis(summary) Converts text with many possible cleanups, including preparation of HTML and Java, aligning in columns, character set conversion, case converting, removing excess white space, removing blank lines, preparing regex expressions etc. Generated quoter.usg generated: JET compiler method use tracking quoter.xbind.script List of DLLs JET will need to run the app. quoter.xml ASP PAD desc of the Quoter project: Converts text with many possible cleanups, including preparation of HTML and Java, aligning in columns, character set conversion, case converting, removing excess white space, removing blank lines, preparing regex expressions etc. quoter55.zip Quoter 5.5 distribute zip: Converts text with many possible cleanups, including preparation of HTML and Java, aligning in columns, character set conversion, case converting, removing excess white space, removing blank lines, preparing regex expressions etc. rebuild.xml Simplified ANT build script for Quoter run.bat execute the Quoter application from the jar run_quoter.bat Runs the JET executable with default parm. Span.class compiled Java byte code Span.java processor to see which chars are used in a string StripHTMLEntities.class compiled Java byte code StripHTMLEntities.java Remove entities from HTML StripHTMLTags.class compiled Java byte code StripHTMLTags.java Remove tags from HTML StripNewlines.class compiled Java byte code StripNewlines.java flow text by removing newline chars StripXMLEntities.class compiled Java byte code StripXMLEntities.java remove xml entities StripXMLTags.class compiled Java byte code StripXMLTags.java remove xml tags TargetOption$1.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$10.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$11.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$12.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$13.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$14.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$15.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$16.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$17.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$18.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$19.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$2.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$20.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$21.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$3.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$4.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$5.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$6.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$7.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$8.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption$9.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption.class compiled Java byte code TargetOption.java Enum possible conversions TextProcessor.class compiled Java byte code TextProcessor.java Interface for converters ToBookCase.class compiled Java byte code ToBookCase.java Convert to book title case ToCSV.class compiled Java byte code ToCSV.java quote for CSV field ToHex.class compiled Java byte code ToHex.java display in hex ToJavaCharArrayLiteral.class compiled Java byte code ToJavaCharArrayLiteral.java convert to java source code ToJavaStringLiteral.class compiled Java byte code ToJavaStringLiteral.java convert to Java string source code ToLowerCase.class compiled Java byte code ToLowerCase.java Convert to lower case ToUpperCase.class compiled Java byte code ToUpperCase.java Convert to Upper case Translator.class compiled Java byte code Translator.java base class for all converters. Trim.class compiled Java byte code Trim.java Trim lead and trailing blanks TrimLeading.class compiled Java byte code TrimLeading.java Trim leading blanks TrimOption.class compiled Java byte code TrimOption.java enum for trimming options TrimTrailing.class compiled Java byte code TrimTrailing.java Trim trailing blanks untouch.digest generated: enables untouching (set date back) unchanged but redated files. use.txt key facts about the Quoter project. Generates quoter.use version.txt key current version info about the Quoter project. Generates quoter.use versionhistory.txt complete version history of the Quoter project. Generates quoter.use VSlickRegexReplace.class compiled Java byte code VSlickRegexReplace.java quote Vslick regex replace VSlickRegexSearch.class compiled Java byte code VSlickRegexSearch.java quote Vsllick regex search XMLReservedChars.class compiled Java byte code XMLReservedChars.java insert xml entities zip.look uncommented zip manifest for quoter55.zip