echo off rem debugging rem presume have run debug version of Prices program rem all pieces needed are now in E:\mindprod\includes e: cd \mindprod\include rem we need to a little gluing that Include cannot handle. rem build the master index, combines all four pieces copy productsindexhead.htmlfrag + products1anchored.html + products2anchored.html + products3anchored.html + products4anchored.html + productsindextail.htmlfrag productsindex.html rem build the separate index for each file copy productsindexhead.htmlfrag + products1unanchored.html + productsindextail.htmlfrag products1index.html copy productsindexhead.htmlfrag + products2unanchored.html + productsindextail.htmlfrag products2index.html copy productsindexhead.htmlfrag + products3unanchored.html + productsindextail.htmlfrag products3index.html copy productsindexhead.htmlfrag + products4unanchored.html + productsindextail.htmlfrag products4index.html rem expand macros inside the includes, and insert generated includes in actual files in rem E:\mindprod\producucts*.html e: CD \mindprod call one products.html products*.html applet\*.html webstart\*.html e: cd \com\mindprod\prices rem -30-