@echo off rem prepare.btm @echo prepare phone files for sending to post on web echo Take E:\com\mindprod\phone\phone.csv and create phon?.html files in E:\mindprod\phone set runwith=jar rem avoid changing file dates on files that did not really change. E: cd \com\mindprod\phone if exist phone.csv goto ok echo missing phone.csv pause exit :ok E:\sys\untouch.exe -q E:\mindprod\phone DEL E:\mindprod\phone\phon?.html E: CD E:\com\mindprod\phone csvcondense.exe phone.csv csvsort.exe phone.csv 0i+ 1i+ csvdedup.exe phone.csv echo running PhoneToHtml with %runwith if "%runwith" == "jet" phonecsvtohtml.exe %configuration if "%runwith" == "jar" java.exe %JAVA_OPTIONS -ea -jar phonecsvtohtml.jar %configuration rem expand phone macros call E:\com\mindprod\htmlmacros\one.btm E:\mindprod\phone e:\com\mindprod\repair\fixcssclasses.exe %configuration -s -q E:\mindprod\phone E:\sys\untouch.exe -q E:\mindprod\phone rem -30-