---- Version History: 1.3 2007-08-20 new colour scheme, separate style sheet add iframe rendering, use of snippet/ser and snippet/iframe 1.4 2008-02-13 fix getName to work whether class final or not. 1.5 2008-02-18 get JDisplay and CSS font renderings in closer sync 1.6 2008-02-23 fix getName to work whether class final or not. 1.7 2008-08-08 add parser for vanilla text 1.8 2009-01-01 1.9 2009-04-12 shorter style names, improved highlighting. 2.0 2009-04-19 tidy comments, more accurate colour names. 2.1 2009-08-30 tone down colour for keywords. 2.2 2009-09-32 add fine adjustment on font sise. Reduce size of keywords relative to important keywords. 2.3 2010-02-08 highlight begin and ends of comments and CDATAs specially. 2.4 2010-02-10 add tokens to support the manifest tokenizer. -30-