@echo off echo all.btm: prepares snippets for all of mindprod echo preparing snippets... if "%runwith" == "" set runwith=jet echo run Jprep with %runwith% pushd e: cd E:\com\mindprod\jprep set snippetList=E:\mindprod\application\snippet E:\mindprod\applet\snippet E:\mindprod\bgloss\snippet E:\mindprod\jgloss\snippet E:\mindprod\project\snippet E:\mindprod\webstart\snippet E:\mindprod\feedback\unmain\snippet rem untouch now so later will not undo regenerate untouch.exe -quiet %snippetList echo running Jprep with %runwith if "%runwith" == "jet" .AND. not exist jprep.exe goto bypass if "%runwith" == "jar" .AND. not exist jprep.jar goto bypass if "%runwith" == "jet" jprep.exe %configuration if "%runwith" == "jar" java.exe %JAVA_OPTIONS -ea -jar jprep.jar %configuration |& tee temp.log if errorlevel 1 pause error exit :bypass popd rem -30-