Displays a sorted list of files inside a jar. Similar to PkUnzip -t but just the bare filenames in alphabetical order. Also works on zips prepared by Java, e.g. ant zips. Displays package names with forward slashes (/) rather than backslashes(\) or dots(.). Includes the various manifests. The list can be pruned and fed to jar.exe to rebuild the jar with fresh classes. The list is useful to make sure all the necessary classes are present, correctly spelled, and in the correct packages, correctly spelled. usage: java.exe -jar jarlook.jar jartoexamine.jar > contents.txt Copyright: (c) 2005-2017 Canadian Mind Products. May be used freely for any purpose but military. All Java source code is included. To install, Extract the zip download with WinZip, available from http://www.winzip.com (or similar unzip utility) into any directory you please, often C:\ -- ticking off the "user folder names" option. To run as an application, type: java.exe -jar C:\com\mindprod\jarlook\jarlook.jar somejar.jar adjusting as necessary to account for where the jar file is. Put the name of the jar you want to examine on the end of the command line. Don't confuse jarlook with a similar more complicated CMP utility called jarcheck. Why the glasses in a jar logo? It symbolises looking more closely at what is in a jar.