# internationaliser.properties # global configuration for the Interationaliser # directory on server where all the internatinaliser files are stored # including the database, the font and icon resources, and the generated # resource bundles. dir=e:\internationaliser # class name of the JDBC driver to access the database jdbcdriver=com.caucho.jdbc.mysql.Driver # command to login to the datase jdbclogin=jdbc:mysql-caucho://localhost:3306/internationaliser # user ID the internationaliser program itself will use to access the database jdbcUserID=internationaliser # password the internationaliser program itself will use to access the database jdbcPassword=sesame77 # How often the editor autmatically pesters the server for an update on # what other translators may have done to the translations she is working on. # Set to 0 if there is never any sharing of translations. # Increasing this number increases server load, increases traffic and slows the program down. # Decreasing it risks not seeing a change to a translation that some other translator made. # You might ask, why does not the server just send a change as it happens to any interested parties? # This is a limitation of the polling HTTP protocol we use to burrow through firewalls. # Measured in seconds. refreshRate=60 # Set up an email account for the interationaliser to send its robotic emails. # what recipients of generated email alerts will see as FROM: emailFrom=internationaliser@megachomp.com # what recipients of generated email alerts will see as REPLY-TO: emailTo=repliesIgnored@invalid.com # domain name of SMTP host sendHost=smtp.paconline.net # port we are supposed to call in on for email. Usually 25 unless doing tunnelling sendPort=25 # login account on the mailserver sendLoginAccount=interationaliser%other.org # password to send mail sendPassword=sesame77 # true if need password to send mail, false if mailserver does not want a password. needPasswordToSend=true # Regex that describes what you consider an acceptable key that the programmers provide. # In this case we say that A-Z a-z 0-9 . and space are the only acceptable characters. # The internationaliser will reject keys that don't fit this pattern, # e.g. that contain other punctuation or accented letters. # The regex can be overridden on per project basis. validKeyRegex=[A-Za-z0-9 \.]++