"_O_V_E_R_V_I_E_W.txt" index of files with descriptions of what they are for. "Acronym.java" Expand Acronyms, standard and ad hoc "Age.java" Calculate Age of something in years/months/days "AggHead.java" Aggregate header "AllPosters.java" affiliate link to AllPosters.com "AmanuensisHead.java" header for Applet "AmanuensisMenuItem.java" menu item for an Applet "AnimalRightsHead.java" header for Animal rights essay "ApplicationHead.java" header for Application docs "ApplicationMenuItem.java" menu item for Application "Art.java" link to art.com poster "Audio.java" link to audio file "BestBrowsers.java" describe recommended browsers "BglossHead.java" header for buyers' glossary "BglossLetterHead.java" Buyers' glossary index header "BibleHead.java" header for chapter of the bible "Book.java" links to sell a book at various bookstores "BookHead.java" header for Book page "Born.java" displays born/died/age "BornCols.java" Born macro that generates table cols "Bush911Head.java" header for Bush essay "BushBooksHead.java" header for Bush books "BushismsHead.java" header for Bushisms essay "Button.java" Button macro "CanadaHead.java" Headerfor a Canada essay "CarolFoot.java" Footer for Carols macro "CarolHead.java" Heoader for Carols macro "Cite.java" One line amazon book refer "CMPApplet.java" Standard Applet invoke for CMP Applet "CoChapter.java" Header for CherokeeObama chapters "CoFoot.java" Footers for CherokeeObama "CoHome.java" Cherokee O'Bama home page header generator "ColourMenu.java" a menu of colour charts "ColourScheme.java" displays Colour Schemes "ContactHead.java" header for Contact essay "CoSection.java" Header for CherokeeObama chapters "CountryFlag.java" Show flag of a given country "CurrCon.java" show currency in multiple countries "DailySpecial.java" random link to take a change page on the website changed daily. "DeepThoughtsHead.java" header for Deep thoughts "Degrees.java" show both Fahrenheit/Celsius "DESCRIPT.ION" TCC file descriptions for TCC describe command "Dim.java" metric/English width x height "Donate.java" Donate via PayPal "DVD.java" link to DVD stores "DVDHead.java" header for DVD page "EE.java" link to docs on Sun EE "Electronic.java" Handles Electronic macro "ElectronicHead.java" Header for a Electronic sale "Env.java" insert values of set parms into HTML "EnvirHead.java" header for environment essay "EsperantoHead.java" Esperanto essay header "EthicsHead.java" header for Ethics essay "FeedbackAnimalsHead.java" header for feedback on animals "FeedbackEnvirHead.java" Head for Feedback on Environment "FeedbackGodHead.java" header for feedback on religion "FeedbackHead.java" general feedback header "FeedbackHumanRightsHead.java" Head for feedback on humana rightsl "FeedbackMoneyHead.java" Headen for Feedback on money "FeedbackPeaceHead.java" header of feedback essay "FeedbackPornHead.java" header for porn essay feedback "FeedbackSectionHead.java" header for feedback section "FeedbackUnmainHead.java" head for feedback on unmaintainable code "FFRF.java" Freedom From Religion Foundation macro "FileSize.java" insert the current size of a local file "Foot.java" footer with google and public service ads. "Formula.java" Does chemical formula with subscripts "GglossHead.java" gay glossary header "GglossLetterHead.java" Gay Glossary index header "Global.java" Lets all methods see the current configuration "Head.java" make a generic header "HideFromKindle.java" Macro to exclude HTML from Kindle books "HomeHead.java" header for home page "HumanRightsHead.java" header for human rights essay "Image.java" display an png, jpg, gif "Include.java" include boilerplate, possibly containing embedded macros "Insert.java" Insert one macro from a file "IraqHead.java" header for Iraq essay "Java.java" Display Java version "JavaAPI.java" macro to generate link to Javadoc about Java class file API "JavaCC.java" JavaCC macro, describes a JavaCC grammar "JavaScript.java" insert JavaScript inline "JDisplay.java" display pretty colourised code listing "JDK.java" refer to the current JDK "JDKLocation.java" location of dir or file in JDK "JglossHead.java" header for Java glossary "JglossLetterHead.java" header for Java glossary index "JRE.java" refer to the current JRE "JRELocation.java" location of dir or file in JRE "KJV.java" link to verses in the KJV bible "LaserHead.java" header for laser talks "Link.java" smart href with webroot-relative link. Independent of where it is. Used in Includes instead of href. "LivingLoveHead.java" header for living love essay "LL.java" generate a entry for one person in the living love database "LLSongHead.java" Living Love Song header "Macro.java" Abstract base all Macros extend "MailTo.java" munged link to email "MenuItem.java" menu item "MethodsHead.java" header for Living Love methods essay "MoneyHead.java" header for money essay "Moved.java" generate a stub to redirect to a document that has moved "Newsgroup.java" link to a newsgroup "NoJava.java" display if Java missing "OSes.java" generate a list of OSes "PhoneHead.java" header for phone list "Photo.java" link to photo not displayed, with clickable camera icon. "PoliticsHead.java" header for politics essay "ProjectHead.java" Projects essay header "Qualified.java" Qualified macro for qualified class/method names "Quilt.java" generate an n x m list of links "QuiltPair.java" generate an n x m list of cell pairs "Quotation.java" macro to generate random quotation "QuoteFlockHead.java" header for a pure quotations page "ReligionHead.java" header for religion essay "Repository.java" Generates link to Subversion Repository "Reunion.java" generates entry for one person coming to a reunion. "ReunionHead.java" header for Reunion essay "Revised.java" generates date last revised "RFC.java" link to RFC "RSS.java" Handles RSS macro that defines RSS2 item "RSSBegin.java" Macro to mark beginning of group of RSS entries "RSSEnd.java" Macro to mark end of group of RSS entries "SectionHead.java" header for section "Signed.java" notes on Signed Applet "Spell.java" Expand words that confound spell checker "Together.java" Keep text together on one line "UnmainHead.java" Unmaintainable code essay header "Updated.java" generates date when some local file was last updated "Video.java" Generates link to video file. "WebRing.java" generates navbar link to WebRing "WebStartHead.java" header for Java Web Start "WebStartMenuItem.java" generate a description for a JWS app "OnOracle.java" macro to generate links to files at Sun/Oracle.