---- Version History: 1.2 1999-10-26 split off from FileTransfer 1.3 1999-10-28 add safety code when length specified is -1 or 0, to copy as if the length were unknown. 1.4 1999-10-29 ensure every file closed, including ZipFile safety check for null parms. 1.5 2001-01-23 use more elegant reads in the while loops instead of breaks. 1.6 2002-04-22 conforming package name. 1.7 2003-09-15 add closeTarget parameter to many methods rename download( InputStream, File ) to copy( InputStream , File ) add copy( File, OutputStream ) 1.8 2006-01-10 add Download class. 1.9 2006-02-05 reformat with IntelliJ, add Javadoc 2.0 2007-05-17 add pad and icon 2.1 2007-08-04 convert to JDK 1.5, add timeout support add sleep to avoid hogging CPU on stall add support for preferred MIME types on download. 2.2 2007-08-24 use http Read methods. 2.3 2007-09-26 add timeout. 2.4 2008-07-05 add append method. 2.5 2008-08-10 add setReadTimeout and setConnectTimeout methods. 2.6 2015-11-26 add error message when download fails. -30-