---- Version History: 1.0 2004-01-01 initial version 1.1 2004-01-01 optimise using text.indexOf('&') and sb.append(string) rather than processing character by character. 1.2 2004-07-21 add stripHTMLTags - stripFile also strips tags - add stripNbsp 1.3 2005-06-20 fix bug in possEntityToChar exposed possEntityToChar as public 1.4 2005-07-02 check for null input 1.5 2005-07-29 no longer needs entitiestochar.ser file. Converted to JDK 1.5 back to 1,2 1.6 2005-09-05 faster code for stripHTMLTags that returns original string if nothing changed. 1.7 2005-09-05 1.8 2007-02-26 fix bug. hex entity it ￿ not &x#ffff; 1.9 2007-03-26 2.0 2007-04-26 2.1 2007-05-10 2.2 2007-05-14 StripHTMLTags now strips applet, style, script pairs. generate hex entities as comments in entitycase.javafrag 2.3 2008-07-29 refactor code for Entities, add notes to chars, add a few new missing Entities. 2.4 2008-08-05 add translateNbspTo parameter to several methods and deprecate the versions without it. This allows you to directly control how   is translated, usually ' ' or (char)160. Renamed methods to make it clearer just what sort of input is expect. 2.5 2008-08-06 add ability to insert XML entities. Convert to JDK 1.5+, with generics, and for:each, StringBuilder 2.6 2009-04-05 StripEntities now leaves a space behind when it removes a

etc tag. 2.7 2009-11-14 generate a table for the HTML cheat sheet of quote-like entities. 2.8 2009-12-22 export table on HTML 5 entities. Now import csv file rather than embed entity facts. 2.9 2010-01-29 export XHTML entities (currently same as HTML-4 entities). 3.0 2011-02-10 rename classes and methods. Add file utilities for Entify, DeEntify, Flatten. StripEntities -> DeEntifyStrings, InsertEntities -> EntifyStrings, stripHTMLEntities -> deEntifyHTML, insertHTMLEntities -> entifyHTML. 3.1 2011-09-02 correct error in tables reversing Y dierisis and y dieresis. Correct upper/lower categories in table. 3.2 2014-08-02 add code b, and the space category. 3.3 2014-08-24 add musical symbols and support for chars without alpha entities. -30-