case /* */ '\u0020' : return "" /* ordinary space */; case /* Æ */ '\u00c6' : return "Æ" /* Æ Latin capital letter AE */; case /* Á */ '\u00c1' : return "Á" /* Á Latin capital letter A with acute */; case /*  */ '\u00c2' : return "Â" /*  Latin capital letter A with circumflex */; case /* À */ '\u00c0' : return "À" /* À Latin capital letter A with grave */; case /* Α */ '\u0391' : return "Α" /* Α Greek capital letter Alpha */; case /* Å */ '\u00c5' : return "Å" /* Å Latin capital letter A with ring above */; case /* à */ '\u00c3' : return "Ã" /* à Latin capital letter A with tilde */; case /* Ä */ '\u00c4' : return "Ä" /* Ä Latin capital letter A with diaeresis */; case /* Β */ '\u0392' : return "Β" /* Β Greek capital letter Beta */; case /* Ç */ '\u00c7' : return "Ç" /* Ç Latin capital letter C with cedilla */; case /* Χ */ '\u03a7' : return "Χ" /* Χ Greek capital letter Chi */; case /* ‡ */ '\u2021' : return "‡" /* ‡ double dagger */; case /* Δ */ '\u0394' : return "Δ" /* Δ Greek capital letter Delta */; case /* Ð */ '\u00d0' : return "Ð" /* Ð Latin capital letter Eth */; case /* É */ '\u00c9' : return "É" /* É Latin capital letter E with acute */; case /* Ê */ '\u00ca' : return "Ê" /* Ê Latin capital letter E with circumflex */; case /* È */ '\u00c8' : return "È" /* È Latin capital letter E with grave */; case /* Ε */ '\u0395' : return "Ε" /* Ε Greek capital letter Epsilon */; case /* Η */ '\u0397' : return "Η" /* Η Greek capital letter Eta */; case /* Ë */ '\u00cb' : return "Ë" /* Ë Latin capital letter E with diaeresis */; case /* Γ */ '\u0393' : return "Γ" /* Γ Greek capital letter Gamma */; case /* Í */ '\u00cd' : return "Í" /* Í Latin capital letter I with acute */; case /* Î */ '\u00ce' : return "Î" /* Î Latin capital letter I with circumflex */; case /* Ì */ '\u00cc' : return "Ì" /* Ì Latin capital letter I with grave */; case /* Ι */ '\u0399' : return "Ι" /* Ι Greek capital letter Iota */; case /* Ï */ '\u00cf' : return "Ï" /* Ï Latin capital letter I with diaeresis */; case /* Κ */ '\u039a' : return "Κ" /* Κ Greek capital letter Kappa */; case /* Λ */ '\u039b' : return "Λ" /* Λ Greek capital letter Lambda */; case /* Μ */ '\u039c' : return "Μ" /* Μ Greek capital letter Mu */; case /* Ñ */ '\u00d1' : return "Ñ" /* Ñ Latin capital letter N with tilde */; case /* Ν */ '\u039d' : return "Ν" /* Ν Greek capital letter Nu */; case /* Œ */ '\u0152' : return "Œ" /* Œ Latin capital ligature oe */; case /* Ó */ '\u00d3' : return "Ó" /* Ó Latin capital letter O with acute */; case /* Ô */ '\u00d4' : return "Ô" /* Ô Latin capital letter O with circumflex */; case /* Ò */ '\u00d2' : return "Ò" /* Ò Latin capital letter O with grave */; case /* Ω */ '\u03a9' : return "Ω" /* Ω Greek capital letter Omega */; case /* Ο */ '\u039f' : return "Ο" /* Ο Greek capital letter Omicron */; case /* Ø */ '\u00d8' : return "Ø" /* Ø Latin capital letter O with stroke */; case /* Õ */ '\u00d5' : return "Õ" /* Õ Latin capital letter O with tilde */; case /* Ö */ '\u00d6' : return "Ö" /* Ö Latin capital letter O with diaeresis */; case /* Φ */ '\u03a6' : return "Φ" /* Φ Greek capital letter Phi */; case /* Π */ '\u03a0' : return "Π" /* Π Greek capital letter Pi */; case /* ″ */ '\u2033' : return "″" /* ″ double prime */; case /* Ψ */ '\u03a8' : return "Ψ" /* Ψ Greek capital letter Psi */; case /* Ρ */ '\u03a1' : return "Ρ" /* Ρ Greek capital letter Rho */; case /* Š */ '\u0160' : return "Š" /* Š Latin capital letter S with caron */; case /* Σ */ '\u03a3' : return "Σ" /* Σ Greek capital letter Sigma */; case /* Þ */ '\u00de' : return "Þ" /* Þ Latin capital letter Thorn */; case /* Τ */ '\u03a4' : return "Τ" /* Τ Greek capital letter Tau */; case /* Θ */ '\u0398' : return "Θ" /* Θ Greek capital letter Theta */; case /* Ú */ '\u00da' : return "Ú" /* Ú Latin capital letter U with acute */; case /* Û */ '\u00db' : return "Û" /* Û Latin capital letter U with circumflex */; case /* Ù */ '\u00d9' : return "Ù" /* Ù Latin capital letter U with grave */; case /* Υ */ '\u03a5' : return "Υ" /* Υ Greek capital letter Upsilon */; case /* Ü */ '\u00dc' : return "Ü" /* Ü Latin capital letter U with diaeresis */; case /* Ξ */ '\u039e' : return "Ξ" /* Ξ Greek capital letter Xi */; case /* Ý */ '\u00dd' : return "Ý" /* Ý Latin capital letter Y with acute */; case /* Ÿ */ '\u0178' : return "Ÿ" /* Ÿ Latin capital letter Y with diaeresis */; case /* Ζ */ '\u0396' : return "Ζ" /* Ζ Greek capital letter Zeta */; case /* á */ '\u00e1' : return "á" /* á Latin small letter a with acute */; case /* â */ '\u00e2' : return "â" /* â Latin small letter a with circumflex */; case /* ´ */ '\u00b4' : return "´" /* ´ acute accent */; case /* æ */ '\u00e6' : return "æ" /* æ Latin lowercase ligature ae */; case /* à */ '\u00e0' : return "à" /* à Latin small letter a with grave */; case /* ℵ */ '\u2135' : return "ℵ" /* ℵ alef symbol */; case /* α */ '\u03b1' : return "α" /* α Greek small letter alpha */; case /* & */ '\u0026' : return "&" /* & ampersand */; case /* ∧ */ '\u2227' : return "∧" /* ∧ logical and */; case /* ∠ */ '\u2220' : return "∠" /* ∠ angle */; case /* å */ '\u00e5' : return "å" /* å Latin small letter a with ring above */; case /* ≈ */ '\u2248' : return "≈" /* ≈ asymptotic to */; case /* ã */ '\u00e3' : return "ã" /* ã Latin small letter a with tilde */; case /* ä */ '\u00e4' : return "ä" /* ä Latin small letter a with diaeresis */; case /* „ */ '\u201e' : return "„" /* „ double low-99 quotation mark */; case /* β */ '\u03b2' : return "β" /* β Greek small letter beta */; case /* ¦ */ '\u00a6' : return "¦" /* ¦ broken bar */; case /* • */ '\u2022' : return "•" /* • bullet */; case /* ∩ */ '\u2229' : return "∩" /* ∩ intersection */; case /* ç */ '\u00e7' : return "ç" /* ç Latin small letter c with cedilla */; case /* ¸ */ '\u00b8' : return "¸" /* ¸ cedilla */; case /* ¢ */ '\u00a2' : return "¢" /* ¢ cent sign */; case /* χ */ '\u03c7' : return "χ" /* χ Greek small letter chi */; case /* ˆ */ '\u02c6' : return "ˆ" /* ˆ modifier letter circumflex accent / vokáň */; case /* ♣ */ '\u2663' : return "♣" /* ♣ black club suit */; case /* ≅ */ '\u2245' : return "≅" /* ≅ approximately equal to */; case /* © */ '\u00a9' : return "©" /* © copyright sign circled c */; case /* ↵ */ '\u21b5' : return "↵" /* ↵ downwards arrow with corner leftwards */; case /* ∪ */ '\u222a' : return "∪" /* ∪ union */; case /* ¤ */ '\u00a4' : return "¤" /* ¤ currency sign */; case /* ⇓ */ '\u21d3' : return "⇓" /* ⇓ downwards double arrow */; case /* † */ '\u2020' : return "†" /* † dagger */; case /* ↓ */ '\u2193' : return "↓" /* ↓ downwards arrow */; case /* ° */ '\u00b0' : return "°" /* ° degree sign */; case /* δ */ '\u03b4' : return "δ" /* δ Greek small letter delta */; case /* ♦ */ '\u2666' : return "♦" /* ♦ black diamond suit */; case /* ÷ */ '\u00f7' : return "÷" /* ÷ division sign */; case /* é */ '\u00e9' : return "é" /* é Latin small letter e with acute */; case /* ê */ '\u00ea' : return "ê" /* ê Latin small letter e with circumflex */; case /* è */ '\u00e8' : return "è" /* è Latin small letter e with grave */; case /* ∅ */ '\u2205' : return "∅" /* ∅ empty set */; case /*   */ '\u2003' : return " " /*   em space */; case /*   */ '\u2002' : return " " /*   en space */; case /* ε */ '\u03b5' : return "ε" /* ε Greek small letter epsilon */; case /* ≡ */ '\u2261' : return "≡" /* ≡ identical to */; case /* η */ '\u03b7' : return "η" /* η Greek small letter eta */; case /* ð */ '\u00f0' : return "ð" /* ð Latin small letter eth */; case /* ë */ '\u00eb' : return "ë" /* ë Latin small letter e with diaeresis */; case /* € */ '\u20ac' : return "€" /* € Euro currency sign */; case /* ∃ */ '\u2203' : return "∃" /* ∃ there exists */; case /* ƒ */ '\u0192' : return "ƒ" /* ƒ Latin small letter f with hook */; case /* ∀ */ '\u2200' : return "∀" /* ∀ for all */; case /* ½ */ '\u00bd' : return "½" /* ½ vulgar fraction 1/2 */; case /* ¼ */ '\u00bc' : return "¼" /* ¼ vulgar fraction 1/4 */; case /* ¾ */ '\u00be' : return "¾" /* ¾ vulgar fraction 3/4 */; case /* ⁄ */ '\u2044' : return "⁄" /* ⁄ fraction slash */; case /* γ */ '\u03b3' : return "γ" /* γ Greek small letter gamma */; case /* ≥ */ '\u2265' : return "≥" /* ≥ greater-than or equal to */; case /* > */ '\u003e' : return ">" /* > greater-than sign */; case /* ⇔ */ '\u21d4' : return "⇔" /* ⇔ left right double arrow */; case /* ↔ */ '\u2194' : return "↔" /* ↔ left right arrow */; case /* ♥ */ '\u2665' : return "♥" /* ♥ black heart suit */; case /* … */ '\u2026' : return "…" /* … horizontal ellipsis */; case /* í */ '\u00ed' : return "í" /* í Latin small letter i with acute */; case /* î */ '\u00ee' : return "î" /* î Latin small letter i with circumflex */; case /* ¡ */ '\u00a1' : return "¡" /* ¡ inverted exclamation mark */; case /* ì */ '\u00ec' : return "ì" /* ì Latin small letter i with grave */; case /* ℑ */ '\u2111' : return "ℑ" /* ℑ black-letter capital i */; case /* ∞ */ '\u221e' : return "∞" /* ∞ infinity */; case /* ∫ */ '\u222b' : return "∫" /* ∫ integral */; case /* ι */ '\u03b9' : return "ι" /* ι Greek small letter iota */; case /* ¿ */ '\u00bf' : return "¿" /* ¿ inverted question mark */; case /* ∈ */ '\u2208' : return "∈" /* ∈ element of */; case /* ï */ '\u00ef' : return "ï" /* ï Latin small letter i with diaeresis */; case /* κ */ '\u03ba' : return "κ" /* κ Greek small letter kappa */; case /* ⇐ */ '\u21d0' : return "⇐" /* ⇐ leftwards double arrow */; case /* λ */ '\u03bb' : return "λ" /* λ Greek small letter lambda */; case /* ⟨ */ '\u2329' : return "⟨" /* 〈 left-pointing angle bracket */; case /* « */ '\u00ab' : return "«" /* « left guillemot */; case /* ← */ '\u2190' : return "←" /* ← leftwards arrow */; case /* ⌈ */ '\u2308' : return "⌈" /* ⌈ left ceiling */; case /* “ */ '\u201c' : return "“" /* “ left double-66 quotation mark */; case /* ≤ */ '\u2264' : return "≤" /* ≤ less-than or equal to */; case /* ⌊ */ '\u230a' : return "⌊" /* ⌊ left floor */; case /* ∗ */ '\u2217' : return "∗" /* ∗ asterisk operator */; case /* ◊ */ '\u25ca' : return "◊" /* ◊ open lozenge */; case /* ‎ */ '\u200e' : return "‎" /* ‎ left-to-right mark */; case /* ‹ */ '\u2039' : return "‹" /* ‹ single left-pointing angle quotation mark */; case /* ‘ */ '\u2018' : return "‘" /* ‘ left single-6 quotation mark */; case /* < */ '\u003c' : return "<" /* < less-than sign */; case /* ¯ */ '\u00af' : return "¯" /* ¯ macron */; case /* — */ '\u2014' : return "—" /* — em dash */; case /* µ */ '\u00b5' : return "µ" /* µ micro sign */; case /* · */ '\u00b7' : return "·" /* · middle dot */; case /* − */ '\u2212' : return "−" /* − minus sign */; case /* μ */ '\u03bc' : return "μ" /* μ Greek small letter mu */; case /* ∇ */ '\u2207' : return "∇" /* ∇ nabla,, del, down pointing triangle */; case /*   */ '\u00a0' : return " " /*   non-breaking space */; case /* – */ '\u2013' : return "–" /* – en dash */; case /* ≠ */ '\u2260' : return "≠" /* ≠ not equal to */; case /* ∋ */ '\u220b' : return "∋" /* ∋ contains as member, looks like backwards epsilon */; case /* ¬ */ '\u00ac' : return "¬" /* ¬ not sign */; case /* ∉ */ '\u2209' : return "∉" /* ∉ not an element of */; case /* ⊄ */ '\u2284' : return "⊄" /* ⊄ not a subset of */; case /* ñ */ '\u00f1' : return "ñ" /* ñ Latin small letter n with tilde */; case /* ν */ '\u03bd' : return "ν" /* ν Greek small letter nu */; case /* ó */ '\u00f3' : return "ó" /* ó Latin small letter o with acute */; case /* ô */ '\u00f4' : return "ô" /* ô Latin small letter o with circumflex */; case /* œ */ '\u0153' : return "œ" /* œ Latin small ligature oe */; case /* ò */ '\u00f2' : return "ò" /* ò Latin small letter o with grave */; case /* ‾ */ '\u203e' : return "‾" /* ‾ overline */; case /* ω */ '\u03c9' : return "ω" /* ω Greek small letter omega */; case /* ο */ '\u03bf' : return "ο" /* ο Greek small letter omicron */; case /* ⊕ */ '\u2295' : return "⊕" /* ⊕ circled plus */; case /* ∨ */ '\u2228' : return "∨" /* ∨ logical or, vee */; case /* ª */ '\u00aa' : return "ª" /* ª feminine ordinal indicator */; case /* º */ '\u00ba' : return "º" /* º masculine ordinal indicator */; case /* ø */ '\u00f8' : return "ø" /* ø Latin small letter o with stroke */; case /* õ */ '\u00f5' : return "õ" /* õ Latin small letter o with tilde */; case /* ⊗ */ '\u2297' : return "⊗" /* ⊗ circled times */; case /* ö */ '\u00f6' : return "ö" /* ö Latin small letter o with diaeresis */; case /* ¶ */ '\u00b6' : return "¶" /* ¶ pilcrow sign */; case /* ∂ */ '\u2202' : return "∂" /* ∂ partial differential */; case /* ‰ */ '\u2030' : return "‰" /* ‰ per mille sign */; case /* ⊥ */ '\u22a5' : return "⊥" /* ⊥ up tack, orthogonal to, perpendicular */; case /* φ */ '\u03c6' : return "φ" /* φ Greek small letter phi */; case /* π */ '\u03c0' : return "π" /* π Greek small letter pi */; case /* ϖ */ '\u03d6' : return "ϖ" /* ϖ Greek pi symbol */; case /* ± */ '\u00b1' : return "±" /* ± plus-minus sign */; case /* £ */ '\u00a3' : return "£" /* £ pound sign */; case /* ′ */ '\u2032' : return "′" /* ′ prime */; case /* ∏ */ '\u220f' : return "∏" /* ∏ n-ary product */; case /* ∝ */ '\u221d' : return "∝" /* ∝ proportional to */; case /* ψ */ '\u03c8' : return "ψ" /* ψ Greek small letter psi */; case /* " */ '\u0022' : return """ /* " quotation mark */; case /* ⇒ */ '\u21d2' : return "⇒" /* ⇒ rightwards double arrow */; case /* √ */ '\u221a' : return "√" /* √ square root, radical sign */; case /* ⟩ */ '\u232a' : return "⟩" /* 〉 right-pointing angle bracket */; case /* » */ '\u00bb' : return "»" /* » right guillemot */; case /* → */ '\u2192' : return "→" /* → rightwards arrow */; case /* ⌉ */ '\u2309' : return "⌉" /* ⌉ right ceiling */; case /* ” */ '\u201d' : return "”" /* ” right double-99 quotation mark */; case /* ℜ */ '\u211c' : return "ℜ" /* ℜ black-letter capital r */; case /* ® */ '\u00ae' : return "®" /* ® registered sign. circled R. */; case /* ⌋ */ '\u230b' : return "⌋" /* ⌋ right floor */; case /* ρ */ '\u03c1' : return "ρ" /* ρ Greek small letter rho */; case /* ‏ */ '\u200f' : return "‏" /* ‏ right-to-left mark */; case /* › */ '\u203a' : return "›" /* › single right-pointing angle quotation mark */; case /* ’ */ '\u2019' : return "’" /* ’ right single-9 quotation mark */; case /* ‚ */ '\u201a' : return "‚" /* ‚ single low-9 quotation mark */; case /* š */ '\u0161' : return "š" /* š Latin small letter s with caron */; case /* ⋅ */ '\u22c5' : return "⋅" /* ⋅ dot operator */; case /* § */ '\u00a7' : return "§" /* § section sign */; case /* ­ */ '\u00ad' : return "­" /* ­ soft hyphen */; case /* σ */ '\u03c3' : return "σ" /* σ Greek small letter sigma */; case /* ς */ '\u03c2' : return "ς" /* ς Greek small letter final sigma */; case /* ∼ */ '\u223c' : return "∼" /* ∼ tilde operator */; case /* ♠ */ '\u2660' : return "♠" /* ♠ black spade suit */; case /* ⊂ */ '\u2282' : return "⊂" /* ⊂ subset of */; case /* ⊆ */ '\u2286' : return "⊆" /* ⊆ subset of or equal to */; case /* ∑ */ '\u2211' : return "∑" /* ∑ n-ary summation */; case /* ¹ */ '\u00b9' : return "¹" /* ¹ superscript one */; case /* ² */ '\u00b2' : return "²" /* ² superscript two, squared */; case /* ³ */ '\u00b3' : return "³" /* ³ superscript three, cubed */; case /* ⊃ */ '\u2283' : return "⊃" /* ⊃ superset of */; case /* ⊇ */ '\u2287' : return "⊇" /* ⊇ superset of or equal to */; case /* ß */ '\u00df' : return "ß" /* ß Latin small letter sharp s */; case /* τ */ '\u03c4' : return "τ" /* τ Greek small letter tau */; case /* ∴ */ '\u2234' : return "∴" /* ∴ therefore, three dots */; case /* θ */ '\u03b8' : return "θ" /* θ Greek small letter theta */; case /* ϑ */ '\u03d1' : return "ϑ" /* ϑ Greek theta symbol */; case /*   */ '\u2009' : return " " /*   thin space */; case /* þ */ '\u00fe' : return "þ" /* þ Latin small letter thorn */; case /* ˜ */ '\u02dc' : return "˜" /* ˜ small tilde */; case /* × */ '\u00d7' : return "×" /* × multiplication sign */; case /* ™ */ '\u2122' : return "™" /* ™ trademark sign */; case /* ⇑ */ '\u21d1' : return "⇑" /* ⇑ upwards double arrow */; case /* ú */ '\u00fa' : return "ú" /* ú Latin small letter u with acute */; case /* ↑ */ '\u2191' : return "↑" /* ↑ upwards arrow */; case /* û */ '\u00fb' : return "û" /* û Latin small letter u with circumflex */; case /* ù */ '\u00f9' : return "ù" /* ù Latin small letter u with grave */; case /* ¨ */ '\u00a8' : return "¨" /* ¨ diaeresis/umlaut */; case /* ϒ */ '\u03d2' : return "ϒ" /* ϒ Greek upsilon with hook symbol */; case /* υ */ '\u03c5' : return "υ" /* υ Greek small letter upsilon */; case /* ü */ '\u00fc' : return "ü" /* ü Latin small letter u with diaeresis */; case /* ℘ */ '\u2118' : return "℘" /* ℘ script capital p */; case /* ξ */ '\u03be' : return "ξ" /* ξ Greek small letter xi */; case /* ý */ '\u00fd' : return "ý" /* ý Latin small letter y with acute */; case /* ¥ */ '\u00a5' : return "¥" /* ¥ yen sign */; case /* ÿ */ '\u00ff' : return "ÿ" /* ÿ Latin small letter y with diaeresis */; case /* ζ */ '\u03b6' : return "ζ" /* ζ Greek small letter zeta */; case /* ‍ */ '\u200d' : return "‍" /* ‍ zero width joiner */; case /* ‌ */ '\u200c' : return "‌" /* ‌ zero width non-joiner */;