↞↞↞↞↞'\u219e'leftwards two headed arrow ↠↠↠↠↠'\u21a0'rightwards two headed arrow ↵↵↵↵↵'\u21b5'downwards arrow with corner leftwards ↶↶↶↶↶'\u21b6'anticlockwise top semicircle arrow ↷↷↷↷↷'\u21b7'clockwise top semicircle arrow ⇓⇓⇓⇓⇓'\u21d3'downwards double arrow &darr2;&darr2;⇊⇊⇊'\u21ca'downwards paired arrows ↓↓↓↓↓'\u2193'downwards arrow ⇃⇃⇃⇃⇃'\u21c3'down harpoon-left ⇂⇂⇂⇂⇂'\u21c2'down harpoon right &dlarr;&dlarr;↙↙↙'\u2199'south west, downward left arrow &drarr;&drarr;↘↘↘'\u2198'south east, downward right arrow ⇔⇔⇔⇔⇔'\u21d4'left right double arrow ↔↔↔↔↔'\u2194'left right arrow ↭↭↭↭↭'\u21ad'left right wave arrow ⇚⇚⇚⇚⇚'\u21da'left triple arrow ⇐⇐⇐⇐⇐'\u21d0'leftwards double arrow &larr2;&larr2;⇇⇇⇇'\u21c7'leftwards paired arrows ←←←←←'\u2190'leftwards arrow ↩↩↩↩↩'\u21a9'left arrow-hooked ↫↫↫↫↫'\u21ab'leftwards arrow with loop ↢↢↢↢↢'\u21a2'leftwards arrow with tail ↽↽↽↽↽'\u21bd'left harpoon-down ↼↼↼↼↼'\u21bc'left harpoon-up &lrarr2;&lrarr2;⇆⇆⇆'\u21c6'left arrow over right arrow &lrhar2;&lrhar2;⇋⇋⇋'\u21cb'left harpoon over right ↰↰↰↰↰'\u21b0'upwards arrow with tip leftwards ↦↦↦↦↦'\u21a6'map, right arrow from bar ⊸⊸⊸⊸⊸'\u22b8'multimap, bar with circle on right end. ↗↗↗↗↗'\u2197'north-east, up right pointing arrow ⇎⇎⇎⇎⇎'\u21ce'not left and right double arrow, left right double arrow with stroke ↮↮↮↮↮'\u21ae'left right arrow with stroke ⇍⇍⇍⇍⇍'\u21cd'not implied by, left double arrow with stroke ↚↚↚↚↚'\u219a'not left arrow, left arrow with stroke ⇏⇏⇏⇏⇏'\u21cf'not implies, right double arrow with stroke ↛↛↛↛↛'\u219b'rightwards arrow with stroke ↖↖↖↖↖'\u2196'north-west, up left pointing arrow ↺↺↺↺↺'\u21ba'anti-clockwise open circle arrow ↻↻↻↻↻'\u21bb'clockwise open circle arrow ⇛⇛⇛⇛⇛'\u21db'right triple arrow ⇒⇒⇒⇒⇒'\u21d2'rightwards double arrow &rarr2;&rarr2;⇉⇉⇉'\u21c9'two right arrows →→→→→'\u2192'rightwards arrow ↪↪↪↪↪'\u21aa'right arrow-hooked ↬↬↬↬↬'\u21ac'right arrow-looped ↣↣↣↣↣'\u21a3'rightwards arrow with tail ↝↝↝↝↝'\u219d'rightwards wave arrowwas 0x021dd ⇁⇁⇁⇁⇁'\u21c1'right harpoon-down ⇀⇀⇀⇀⇀'\u21c0'right harpoon-up &rlarr2;&rlarr2;⇄⇄⇄'\u21c4'right arrow over left arrow &rlhar2;&rlhar2;⇌⇌⇌'\u21cc'right harpoon over left ↱↱↱↱↱'\u21b1'up arrow with tip right ←←←←←'\u2190'left arrownormally use html4 ← ⇑⇑⇑⇑⇑'\u21d1'upwards double arrow &uarr2;&uarr2;⇈⇈⇈'\u21c8'upwards paired arrows ↑↑↑↑↑'\u2191'upwards arrow ↿↿↿↿↿'\u21bf'up harpoon-left ↾↾↾↾↾'\u21be'up harpoon right ⇕⇕⇕⇕⇕'\u21d5'up and down double arrow ↕↕↕↕↕'\u2195'up down arrow ⟺⟺⟺⟺⟺'\u27fa'long left and right double arrow ⟷⟷⟷⟷⟷'\u27f7'long left and right arrow ⟸⟸⟸⟸⟸'\u27f8'long left double ⟹⟹⟹⟹⟹'\u27f9'long right double arrow