@echo off rem dailym.bat Prepare daily exchange rates for CurrCon MANUALLY rem Must be in this directory e: cd E:\com\mindprod\currcon echo you must have previously edited manual.csv with today's exchange rates. pause rem exchange rates, and currencies we support if not exist manual.csv pause missing manual.csv. rem list of countries and the currencies they use if not exist countrytocur.csv pause countrytocur.csv rem details about individual currencies if not exist currencydetails.csv pause missing currencydetails.csv if exist exchs.ser del exchs.ser rem process manual.csv and summarise as exchs.ser. Run CurrConAux in m=manual mode. java -ea -jar currconaux.jar m if errorlevel 1 pause program aborted if not exist exchs.ser pause failed to create exchs.ser rem give chance to make sure exchs look ok. pause rem now we rejar CurrCon with this resource: cd \com\mindprod\currcon rem need JDK, ant and genjar installed. rem see http://mindprod.com/jgloss/jdk.html rem see http://mindprod.com/jgloss/ant.html rem see http:/mindprod.com/jgloss/genjar.html call ant jar echo remember to post com\mindprod\currcon\currcon.jar to your website rem -30-