Cropper converts a set of jpg, jpeg, png and gif files to a common size, e.g. to use in composing an animated gif. It does not handle webp files. It uses a mixture of cropping and scaling. All you have to do is specify the desired size. It will ignore all files except those with extension .jpg .jpeg .png and .gif. To convert a single file, type: java.exe -jar C:\com\mindprod\cropper\cropper.jar 200 300 rabbit.gif where 200x300 pixels is the desired size. The results replace the old file, so you had better make a backup just in case this is not what you want. You can also list several files on the command line: java.exe -jar C:\com\mindprod\cropper\cropper.jar 200 300 rabbit.gif C:\mydir\cat.png To use convert the current directory of jpg, png and gif files: java.exe -jar C:\com\mindprod\cropper\cropper.jar 200 300 . to convert a whole directory tree of images: java.exe -jar C:\com\mindprod\cropper\cropper.jar 200 300 -s E:\imagedirs Sorry no wildcards, just . , and .. DON'T USE WILDCARDS unless you deeply understand how they work. Windows expands them, not cropper, and feeds them to cropper (or any other program) as a giant list of all the directories and files in the current directory. Cropper will thus tend process all the files in your directories, when you just meant to process the files in the current directory. If you have the jar extension set up as executable, you can abbreviate: C:\com\mindprod\cropper\cropper.jar 200 300 . There is a companion utility called rightsize that will tell you which files are are too big or too small. The nested green rectangles icon is intended to suggest cropping an image down.