---- Version History: 2.2 2006-03-15 Suppress IntelliJ Code Analyse that wants to make this default scope. 2.3 2008-02-15 complete rewrite, mainly to handle removing space around
  • and tags. 2.4 2008-02-15 add more tags that get trimmed. Charge $10 2.5 2008-02-28 tighter removal of whitespace surrounding comments. 2.6 2008-02-28 optionally allow comments to be stripped out entirely. Preserve some space around configurable magic macro comments that expand into text such as in a tag. < space will convert to < space. 2.8 2009-04-04 no longer correct missing entities. Just issue warning messages. 2.9 2010-01-18 refactor so you first allocate a Compactor object, permitting simultaneous compactings. 3.0 2010-02-12 trim space inside


    . 3.1 2010-12-21 avoid touching JavaScript and other scripts. 3.2 2010-12-24 handle