page 60,132 NAME cmossave title CMOSSave Save CMOS to a file on disk or floppy Comment | Version 4.6 by Roedy Green works with MASM 6.0 and Optasm Note that we never compute or verify a checksum. Every vendor computes may compute it a slightly different way. To come: /V:xx - additional volatile byte See CMOS.TXT for details on use. USAGE: Examples: ********* CMOSSave A:\MyCMOS.Sav /Q CMOSRest A:\MyCMOS.Sav /Q CMOSChk A:\ByCMOS.Sav /Q These are DOS utilities and thus can only use short 8.3 file names. Syntax errors or missing file trouble generates an ERRORLEVEL 4. CMOSChk generates an ERRORLEVEL 1 if the CMOS has changed since the CMOSSave was done. Please report bugs and problems to: Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products #101 - 2536 Wark Street Victoria, BC Canada V8T 4G8 tel:(250) 361-9093 Version History: 1.0 1991-09-07 released to BIX 1.1 1991-09-18 released to BIX added special check for small 64 character CMOSes. 1.2 1991-09-19 fix spelling errors use CMOS.SAV instead of MyCMOS.SAV in examples 1.3 1991-09-20 now consider fewer bytes volatile, restore more stuff. hints in docs about clearing CMOS. 1.4 1991-09-21 now consider flags Status register C, offset 0C as volatile. fixes false alarms. 1.5 1994-06-01 change of address and phone number address now appears in the banner. 1.6 1994-08-29 more information about how CMOS bits are used. 2.0 1994-10-01 easier configuration of CHKCMOS volatile bytes. smarter bat files. docs on different ways to use. 2.2 1995-04-16 docs on use before experimentation 2.3 1995-07-24 add 3F as volatile byte. PCI Pentiums are volatile. 2.4 1995-08-07 add /Q switch to suppress banners, only complain presume installation done to C:\CMP and that files saved there too. 2.5 1996-01-27 better documentation 2.6 1996-06-03 better documentation. Win 95 explanations. 2.7 1996-08-19 treat hex 3F differently in CMOSRest and CMOSChk 2.8 1996-10-23 POB in Quathiaski address. Back to C:\SAFE as presumed directory lower cost $10, combined site licence. 2.9 1996-11-12 fix missing com files. 3.0 1997-07-08 notes on Y2K checking notes on separate rescue diskettes. 3.1 1998-10-23 new address Win98 ok note. 3.2 1998-11-07 slight changes to visuals to conform with standard. embed Barker address 3.3 1999-10-04 document problems with NT CMOSREST now does a read to verify that the restore succeeded. 3.4 2000-05-10 also treat byte 38 as volatile. 3.5 2001-01-05 also treat byte 30 as volatile at request of Sony. 3.6 2001-01-08 major simplification to bat files. 3.7 2001-01-08 treat 0A as volatile for cmoschk. 3.8 2002-02-15 new mailing address 3.9 2006-02-05 different pad directories explanation of extended CMOS 4.0 2008-01-02 add PAD, icon, renaming. 4.1 2008-09-21 clarify use of standand and extended CMOS in docs. 4.3 2009-03-10 provide ANT build refactor into three separate programs with common includes. remove all BAT files. remove references to BAT files and automatic mode from documentation. more information on use with Vista/XP 4.4 2009-08-05 make offsets 40, 41 and 42 volatile 4.5 2009-08-11 fix bug in cmoschk that was making it misidentify volatile bytes. Introduced by recent code reordering. 4.6 2009-08-20 refactor 4.7 2012-11-25 minor changes to make compile */ How to Assemble *************** Use the ANT script or to assemble with MASM 6.0 use: ml.exe /AT /c /Fl /Zf cmossave.asm link.exe /TINY /MAP cmossave.obj,,; to assemble with OPTASM use: optasm cmossave.asm,cmossave.obj,cmossave.lst/L/N/G/S olink cmossave.obj,,/MAP/TINY; Register Conventions ******************** Subroutines may trash all registers except those explicity documented as input or output. | ; end of comment ;============================================================== .286 .model tiny stack segment stack ; keep MS link happy by providing null stack stack ends CODE segment PARA ; start off in code. ;============================================================== data segment byte ; provide a separate DATA segment ; actually all come after the code ;============================================================== ; V A R I A B L E S BannerMsg label byte db '°±²Û CMOSSave 4.7 Û²±°',13d,10d db 13d,10d db 'Saves contents of CMOS to a file on hard disk or floppy.',13,10 db 'Copyright: (c) 1991-2017 Roedy Green, Canadian Mind Products',13,10 db '#101 - 2536 Wark Street, Victoria, BC Canada V8T 4G8',13,10 db 'tel:(250) 361-9093',13,10 db 'Freeware to freely distribute and use for any purpose except military.',13,10 db 13,10 db '$' UsageMsg db '°±²Û Error Û²±°',7,13,10 db 'Insert a formatted diskette.',13,10 db 'then try:',13,10 db 'CMOSSave A:\CMOS.Sav',13,10 db 'or if want to save on hard disk try:',13,10 db 'CMOSSave C:\SAFE\CMOS.Sav',13,10 db 'CMOSSave is a DOS utility, and thus can only use short 8.3 file names',13,10 db 'Read CMOS.TXT to find how to use it properly.',13,10 db '$' FileTroubleMsg db '°±²Û Error Û²±°',7,13,10 db 'Cannot create the disk file.',13,10 db '$' WorkedMsg db 'CMOS successfully saved',13,10 db '$' ParmIndex dw 0 Filename db 64 dup (0) ; asciiz filename SlashQuiet db 0 ; -1 means quiet mode /Q CMOSSize db 0 ; size of cmos in bytes CMOSBuff db 128 dup(0) ; buffer to hold CMOS contents. data ends com group code,data ; force data segment to go at the end assume CS:com,DS:com,ES:com,SS:com ; seg regs cover everything org 100H ; in Code segment ;========================== _Start proc near ; M A I N L I N E R O U T I N E cld call Parse ; get filename and /Q from command line lea dx,BannerMsg ; display the banner if no /Q call SayQ call GetCMOS ; fetch CMOS to buffer call WriteCMOSToFile ; write CMOS contents to file ; we save all CMOS bytes, even the volatile ones. lea dx,WorkedMsg ; crow about success call Say Done: mov ax,4c00h int 21h ;normal termination _Start endp ;=============================================================== GetCMOS proc near ; Get 128 byte contents of CMOS into a buffer. mov cx,128 ; count of times through loop lea bx,CMOSBuff ; where to put the contents sub al,al ; start offset in CMOS GetLoop: call PeekCmos ; al=offset ah=contents mov byte ptr[bx],ah inc al inc bx loop GetLoop ret GetCMOS endp ;=============================================================== WriteCMOSToFile proc near ; Create a file; write CMOS to it lea dx,FileName ; DS:DX point to file xor cx,cx ; CX=0 is attribute mov ah,03ch ; DOS create function int 21h jc FileTrouble mov bx,ax ; SAVE HANDLE mov CX,128 ; write 128 bytes lea dx,CMOSBuff ; buffer address mov ah,40h ; DOS write int 21h jc FileTrouble cmp ax,128 jne FileTrouble mov ah,3eh ; DOS close int 21h jc FileTrouble ret WriteCMOSToFile endp ;=============================================================== include cmosinc0.asm ;=============================================================== CODE ends ; end of code segment end _Start