page 60,132 NAME cmosrest TITLE cmosrest Restore CMOS from a file on disk or floppy Comment | Version 4.7 by Roedy Green works with MASM 6.0 and Optasm Note that we never compute or verify a checksum. Every vendor computes may compute it a slightly different way. To come: /V:xx - additional volatile byte See CMOS.TXT for details on use. USAGE: Examples: ********* CMOSSave A:\MyCMOS.Sav /Q CMOSRest A:\MyCMOS.Sav /Q CMOSChk A:\ByCMOS.Sav /Q These are DOS utilities and thus can only use short 8.3 file names. Syntax errors or missing file trouble generates an ERRORLEVEL 4. CMOSChk generates an ERRORLEVEL 1 if the CMOS has changed since the CMOSSave was done. Please report bugs and problems to: Roedy Green Canadian Mind Products #101 - 2536 Wark Street Victoria, BC Canada V8T 4G8 tel:(250) 361-9093 Version History *************** see cmossave.asm CMOS Usage - see also cmosofs.txt How to Assemble *************** Use the ANT script or to assemble with MASM 6.0 use: ml.exe /AT /c /Fl /Zf cmosrest.asm link.exe /TINY /MAP cmosrest.obj,,; to assemble with OPTASM use: optasm cmossave.asm,cmossave.obj,cmossave.lst/L/N/G/S olink cmosrest.obj,,/MAP/TINY; Register Conventions ******************** Subroutines may trash all registers except those explicity documented as input or output. | ; end of comment ;============================================================== .286 .model tiny stack segment stack ; keep MS link happy by providing null stack stack ends CODE segment PARA ; start off in code. ;============================================================== data segment byte ; provide a separate DATA segment ; actually all come after the code ;============================================================== ; V A R I A B L E S BannerMsg label byte db '°±²Û CMOSRest 4.7 Û²±°',13d,10d db 13d,10d db 'Restores CMOS from a CMOSSave file on hard disk or floppy.',13,10 db 'Copyright: (c) 1991-2017 Roedy Green, Canadian Mind Products.',13,10 db '#101 - 2536 Wark Street, Victoria, BC Canada V8T 4G8',13,10 db 'tel:(250) 361-9093',13,10 db 'Freeware to freely distribute and use for any purpose except military.',13,10 db 13,10 db '$' UsageMsg db '°±²Û Error Û²±°',13,10 db 'Insert the diskette you used for CMOSSave.',13,10 db 'then try:',13,10 db 'CMOSRest A:\CMOS.Sav',13,10 db 'or if the file is on hard disk try:',13,10 db 'CMOSRest C:\SAFE\CMOS.Sav',13,10 db 'CMOSRest is a DOS utility, and thus can only use short 8.3 file names',13,10 db 'Read CMOS.TXT to find how to use it properly.',13,10 db '$' FileTroubleMsg db '°±²Û Error Û²±°',7,13,10 db 'Cannot find/read the disk file.',13,10 db '$' MatchTroubleMsg db '°±²Û Error Û²±°',7,13,10 db 'CMOS restore unsuccessful. CMOS is still corrupted at hex offset:value:expected ',13,10 db '$' ColonMsg db ':','$' NextTripleMsg db 13,10,'$' WorkedMsg db 'CMOS successfully restored',13,10 db '$' ParmIndex dw 0 Filename db 64 dup (0) ; asciiz filename SlashQuiet db 0 ; -1 means quiet mode /Q CMOSSize db 0 ; size of cmos in bytes CMOSBuff db 128 dup(0) ; buffer to hold CMOS contents. ; Remember the trailing h. ; CmosRest wolatile bytes are not restored. CmosChk volatile bytes are not checked. ; 00ch is status byte ; 032h is century byte ; CMOSREST list, differs from CMOSCHK list. VolatileList db 0ch,032h VolatileCount equ $-VolatileList data ends com group code,data ; force data segment to go at the end assume CS:com,DS:com,ES:com,SS:com ; seg regs cover everything org 100H ; in Code segment ;========================== _Start proc near ; M A I N L I N E R O U T I N E cld call Parse ; get filename and /Q from command line lea dx,BannerMsg ; display the banner if no /Q call SayQ call ReadCMOSFromFile ; read CMOS contents from file call CalcCMOSSize ; it is 64 or 128 bytes long? call PutCMOS ; store buffer to CMOS call CompareCMOS ; compare CMOS with buffer lea dx,WorkedMsg ; crow about success call Say Done: mov ax,4c00h int 21h ;normal termination _Start endp ;=============================================================== PokeCMOS proc near ; Stuffs one byte into cmos. ; on entry al has offset desired, ah has the value to stuff. ; Preserves all registers. ; See page 5-81 IBM AT Tech ref BIOS listing for how to write CMOS ; We always enable the NMI with bit 7 on. push ax cli ; disable interrupts or al,80h ; disable NMI out 70h,al ; output the byte address to CMOS jmp $+2 ; delay, safer than nop mov al,ah ; get contents out 71h,al ; poke the CMOS byte jmp $+2 ; delay, safer than nop ; re-enable the NMI mov al,0dh ; point to battery status register out 70h,al ; leave pointing at a safe r/o register sti ; restore interrupts pop ax ret PokeCMOS endp ;=============================================================== PutCMOS proc near ; Put 128-byte contents of buffer into CMOS. ; do not touch the volatile bytes mov cx,128 ; count of times through loop lea bx,CMOSBuff ; where to put the contents sub al,al ; start offset in CMOS PutLoop: call Volatile ; test if this is a volatile byte ; test offset in al jc LeaveItAlone mov ah,byte ptr[bx] call PokeCMOS ; al=offset ah=contents LeaveItAlone: inc bx inc al loop PutLoop ret PutCMOS endp ;=============================================================== include cmosinc0.asm include cmosinc1.asm ;=============================================================== CODE ends ; end of code segment end _Start