---- Version History: 1.0 2008-07-21 initial version. 1.1 2008-08-01 export all HTML in one lump, complete with headers and footers. 1.2 2008-08-08 first version released to the public. No forgiveness on broken local links. and text version of summary report. 1.3 2008-10-29 handle empty URLs. 1.4 2008-11-29 add suspectForgivenessDays 1.5 2009-02-14 handle null status, properly delay reporting new broken links. 1.6 2009-02-20 refactor to use new HTTP library 1.7 2010-09-10 handle Xenu's new mailto checking. 1.8 2010-11-14 primitive permanent redirect handling. 1.9 2010-11-17 export of redirects working. Not yet polished. Add ReplaceURLs. 2.0 2010-12-30 export permanent and temporary redirects separately. 2.1 2010-12-31 correct bug in merging original and redirected urls. 2.2 2011-01-16 and TidyURLs utility to clean up all the hrefs on your website. 2.3 2011-02-08 handle https: redirects and faster https: link checking. 2.4 2012-02-26 faster probing using 30 threads. Must delete history.bin to use new version. 2.5 2012-02-28 faster probing of redirects with 30 threads. No longer need to sort/align results separately. 2.6 2012-06-02 simpler configuration. Now uses fixed file names in the current directory. Limit number of froms saved for speed/memory. Don't put ignored items in list. Faster lookup of status kind. 2.7 2012-11-22 uses special version of Xenu that includes numeric status. Faster. easier to configure new status codes. 2.8 2012-11-28 faster handling of local links. 2.9 2012-12-02 optional leave.csv file. 3.0 2013-01-20 ensure responsecodes.ser is accessible. Clarify error messages. 3.1 2017-03-15 try both with and without SNI on fail -30-