Brokenlinks is a tool to help you find and track broken links on your website, namely URLs that no longer point to anything useful. It is a back end to the Xenu Link Sleuth broken link detector that compensates for Xenu’s weakness of overwhelming you with reports of links that are not really broken. Brokenlinks retests ostensibly broken links and maintains a database of link integrity history. It partly compensates for various bugs and deficiencies in Xenu. Brokenlinks automatically repairs links that have been redirected, correcting your HTML to point to the new URL. BrokenLinks typically discovers that only 1% of the links Xenu reports as broken actually need to be repaired. 99% of them are just down temporarily or fail Xenu's quick probe, but pass BrokenLink's more patient test that more accurately simulates what a real browser does. TidyURLs cleans up all the hrefs= and src= on your website. This help ReplaceURLs work properly. ReplaceURLs patches URLs in your local website files to the new redirected values that BrokenLinks finds. The Brokenlinks manual at: explains in more detail what it is for and how to use it. I M P O R T A N T ! This version of BrokenLinks only works with a special version of Xenu that exports numeric status codes. You can get it from either: or Why the scissors logo? It is a temporary logo until I can find a decent broken link icon. It represents a link being cut/broken.