// Do not edit. Generated by BrokenLinks.Prepare from responsecodes.csv means ( 100, "OK to continue with request." ); means ( 101, "Server has switched protocols in upgrade header." ); means ( 200, "ok" ); means ( 201, "Object created, reason = new URI." ); means ( 202, "accepted: Async completion (TBS)" ); means ( 203, "non-authoritative information" ); means ( 204, "no content" ); means ( 205, "reset content" ); means ( 206, "partial content" ); means ( 207, "multistatus" ); means ( 208, "already reported" ); means ( 226, "IM (Instance maniplation) used." ); means ( 300, "Server could not determine what to return." ); means ( 301, "permanent redirect" ); means ( 302, "temporary redirect" ); means ( 303, "temporary redirect to new access method" ); means ( 304, "not recently modified" ); means ( 305, "Redirection to proxy, location header specifies proxy to use." ); means ( 307, "temporary redirect" ); means ( 308, "permanent redirect" ); means ( 400, "Invalid syntax" ); means ( 401, "Access denied, authorisation required." ); means ( 402, "payment required" ); means ( 403, "request forbidden" ); means ( 404, "page not found" ); means ( 405, "method not allowed" ); means ( 406, "No response acceptable to client found." ); means ( 407, "proxy authentication required" ); means ( 408, "Server timed out waiting for request" ); means ( 409, "User should resubmit with more information" ); means ( 410, "Resource withdrawn without redirect" ); means ( 411, "length required" ); means ( 412, "precondition failed" ); means ( 413, "The server is refusing to process a request because the request entity is larger than the server is willing or able to process." ); means ( 414, "request-URI too long" ); means ( 415, "unsupported media type" ); means ( 416, "requested range not satisfiable" ); means ( 421, "Protocol Extension Unknown" ); means ( 422, "Protocol Extension Refused" ); means ( 429, "too many requests from a client in a short time" ); means ( 449, "Retry after doing the appropriate action." ); means ( 500, "Internal server error" ); means ( 501, "not implemented" ); means ( 502, "Error response received from gateway" ); means ( 503, "temporarily overloaded" ); means ( 504, "gateway timeout" ); means ( 505, "HTTP version not supported" ); means ( 506, "server configuration error" ); means ( 507, "not enough RAM" ); means ( 508, "loop detected" ); means ( 509, "bandwidth exceeded" ); means ( 510, "mandatory extension policy rejected" ); means ( 520, "Protocol Extension Error" ); means ( 521, "Protocol Extension Not Implemented" ); means ( 522, "Protocol Extension Parameters Not Acceptable" ); means ( 523, "Origin for cloud cache is not available" ); means ( 525, "SSL/TLS handshake failed" ); means ( 999, "request denied" );