---- Version History: 1.0 1999-08-31 cloned from CanadianTaxCalculator. 1.1 1999-09-01 getStateChoices - District taxes for CA, CO, NY 1.2 1999-09-01 ensure DistrictItem.class is included in jar. 1.3 1999-09-05 tax depends on buyer's district, not vendor's - add report errors line - document missing local taxes. 1.4 2000-05-05 NM 5.0000 -> allow 4 digits to right of decimal version 1.5 2001-01-01 1.6 2002-04-23 moved to package com.mindprod.americantax version 1.7 2004-06-06 add about box and version check - renamed class to AmericanTax and AmericanTaxTable. 1.8 2005-12-16 add Javadoc 1.9 2006-03-04 reformat with IntelliJ. Distribute Javadoc. 2.0 2007-06-07 convert to JDK 1.5/Swing, add spinner, add PAD, icon. Update and extend tax tables. 2.1 2007-06-09 add FL and TX tables. 2.2 2007-06-16 convert to JApplet and contentpane. 2.3 2008-03-03 correct spelling mistakes, display build and release date. 2.4 2008-05-18 display state and district taxes separately. Update tax tables. Major redesign. All reverse tax calculation to got from total payable back to sale amount. 2.5 2008-05-22 complete tables for AK, AL, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IL, IN, KY, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MS, MT, NH, NJ, NY, OH, OR, PA, RI, TX, VA, VT, WA, WV. 2.6 2008-06-01 add TN support for counties and cities. 2.7 2008-06-01 add WI support for counties. 2.8 2008-06-01 add AZ support for counties and cities 2.9 2010-05-10 update state tax tables, better rounding, massive refactoring. 3.0 2010-12-08 update Alabama and Tennessee tax tables. 3.1 2010-12-09 update California, Georgia, Illinois, Missouri and North Carolina tax tables. 3.2 2010-12-11 updated Arizona, Colorado, Hawaii, Iowa, Ohio, Texas, Washington, Wisconsin tax tables. 3.3 2010-12-12 updated Florida, Louisiana, New York, Wyoming. New streamlined PrepStateBase skeleton. 3.4 2010-12-14 updated Arkansas, Kansas, South Carolina, Oklahoma. 3.5 2010-12-15 updated Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Utah 3.6 2010-12-17 updated Alabama. Can look up city without needing to know county. 3.7 2010-12-18 updated South Dakota, Minnesota, New Mexico 3.8 2010-12-19 update Idaho, Vermont 3.9 2013-04-01 update tables for Alabama, Arkansis and Arizona. 4.0 2013-04-03 update tables for California, Florida, Georgia 4.1 2013-04-04 update tables for Idaho, Illinois, Iowa. -30-